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Thread: Need Laserscope guru. (possibly Greenlight HPS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Laser Warning Need Laserscope guru. (possibly Greenlight HPS

    Soooooooo.......Rule 1, "assumption is the mother of all f*ckup's" well, maybe not in this case due to part value. But anyway.. I have this AMS (Laserscope) Ggreenlight HPS. I bought is knowing it had 2 error codes on it but figured I would be able to get into it to clear. Guess what? I couldn't. Does anyone please, please, please have ANY info on these guys? Laserscopes tech support wants nothing to do wit you unless you have been certified by them for repairs. The unit was just serviced by them on 10/2011. So it has not been neglected. There has got to be some kind of service mode on this thing somewhere but I cant find it. The ethernet port dosnt seem to be active since it wont go past 5:18sec on warmup. I would really hate to chop this thing up for parts. F.Y.I its rated at 120W green output and thats for medical use. God knows what it can really do.
    Please help!!

  2. #2
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    You'll need a service card or have to reverse engineer it and bypass the very smart computer. Greenlight uses disposable fiber treatment modules. Doctors buy the module on a "per treatment" basis. Each module enables one treatement. I've seen the module briefly, but have no technical details how they do the security device. Good luck.


  3. #3
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    Sep 2012


    I am located in Staten Island. Mixedgas- I am trying to figure out the computer on board. I have the standard card module and fiber (6 new ones). I think I could do a little magic on the security of it. The problem is the system wont go pass the 5min mark from a 13min warmup. I don't even think its looking for the card yet. The Ethernet port is not enabled yet either. When I hook up a PC to the USB port it looks for a driver (which I don't have) which is encouraging that there might be a way in at least. I haven't seen the "service card" yet, not sure if its the same as the user card or not. Maybe it kicks the system into maintenance. Anyone have one to borrow? I was figuring there has to be another "switch" to put in to maintenance, say if the smartcard reader failed. But right now im very sad that I have a really big paperweight. lol

  4. #4
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    These diode pumped DPSS lasers are still being used for medical treatment. Unlike the old lamp pumped units that are converted for non medical use. When used for lab applications the FDA compliance is not applicable. I am assuming that you are not trying to bypass the functions of this unit while still using it for patient care. I am not suggesting that you would, but before going forward I think this should be stated explicitly.

  5. #5
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    Understood - This unit will not be used in any way, shape, or form for medical purposes or patiant use. It will ONLY be used for personal non-medical purposes and will never be returned to medical service. Can I at least use for kidney stones?? Lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by als1980 View Post
    Mk, normally I would have a rather smart-ass crack to this thread, like, 'we don't know your qualifications / background / experience for using these caliber of lasers, and, sorry, but the whole 'Lolz'-attitude + 130 Watts of 532 = FAIL, not help'.. However, since you've sent a PM, I will refrain from the wise-ass wise-cracks, and tty in PM...

    PS - Sell it... hacking Fort Knox is easier.. we'll tawk..
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  7. #7
    gashead's Avatar
    gashead is offline Admin Verified: Best Accent Ever(Tm)
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    I'll buy it.......
    "The horizon leans forward offering you space, to place New steps of change"

  8. #8
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    Not for sale. At very least I would bypass the UI and use it manually. Just seems like a sin to hack it up. I know once in service mode the unit can be controlled manually, and have control over the power output right from the touchscreen.
    P.S. - I have been in the Telecom data transport biz for 14 years. I have dealt with many high power lasers and have far more dangerous things then this around. Eye wear on just about any laser is mandatory. I have formal laser safety training. Everyone should take a min to Google eye damage from low power lasers before even touching a laser pointer. When we got in the higher order DWDM systems everyone had to go to the eye doctor to get a baseline so if we went blind we couldn't sue the company.

  9. #9
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by als1980 View Post
    ..I have dealt with many high power lasers and...I have formal laser safety training.
    ..and *that's* the 'meal-ticket', 'round here.. Perhaps we can discuss this all when I get back in my west-coast saddle, next week.. However, I will be rediculously-saturated finishing up some severe-backlogged werk, so... Might have to be a 'brief chat', till later in Jan / Feb...

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  10. #10
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    dsli_jon - Thanks a lot!!!ANY I have been pining to have baby here up and running. I trully belive theres no issues since the unit watent drained propery. I fixed that but now I think it is staying in its lock out mode until I can gety into the system to clear it. I have seen a software package for the service admin of these things. Anyone have a copy? My Greenlight problem codes are 653 and 833. I cant even find a problem code likst for this unit like what was floating around for the older 800 series. I would be more then happy to share any and all pic of the system once its up and running. I will also offer it as a high power green source to help test out optics, damage thresthost..etcc.... for forum member's (free of course) But out off that is going on over by me and custruction and...and...and.... My Greenlight HPS just sitting there makes me the saddest.

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