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Thread: Sneak Peek - Introducing Maxwell - A software laser synth (analogish)

  1. #11
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    North Carolina, USA


    Just a little bump to show off another little teaser video - this one focusing on laser output and new duplication and rotation modes... the surface has been scratched!

    Features coming soon:

    • ILDA file output - so what if you forget you are recording to file(s) while blissfully twisting knobs and you fill up your hard drive! That's not my fault!
    • Better blanking optimization... currently there is no optimization when you turn on "duplicate" mode - so you see artifacts of ballistic movement... this will be fixed.
    • MIDI Input - Full MIDI learning capabilities for every single damn knob
      and last but not least...
    • Preset morphing... Presets are currently supported - however, it would be really cool to make it so when you change presets it actually morphs from the current setting to your selected preset. This will happen... Some day!

  2. #12
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    Monroe, Mi USA


    Also being a HUGE.... "SwamiD Groupie"....( Haha...this name is now trade marked !)....This is very,very interesting....but alas.....ILDA out and Windows support will quickly open my wallet !!!

    Great Work !! Forge ahead !!! Thank you !!


    Then again....200 bucks for a Mac Mini + Maxwell Alpha version = " Abstract Zygote "....and a Mac Mini to putz with ??? Hmmmmm
    Last edited by CDBEAM; 02-14-2015 at 05:57.
    Beam Axiom #1 ~The Quantum well is DEEP ! Photons for ALL !!
    Beam Axiom #2 ~Yes...As a matter of fact...I DO wear tinfoil on my head !!
    Beam Axiom #3 ~Whe'n dout...Po ah Donk awn et !!
    Beam Axiom #4 ~A Chicken in every Pot, and a Laser Lumia in every Livingroom !!
    Beam Axiom #5 ~"Abstract Photonic Expressionism" "Abstractonimical" !!
    Beam Axiom #6 ~ "A Posse ad Essea" ~ From being possible to being actual the beam target !

  3. #13
    Bradfo69's Avatar
    Bradfo69 is offline Pending BST Forum Purchases: $47,127,283.53
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDBEAM View Post
    Then again....200 bucks for a Mac Mini + Maxwell Alpha version = " Abstract Zygote "....and a Mac Mini to putz with ??? Hmmmmm
    Yeah.... this "could" push me over the edge but, "shudder".... supporting A-a-a-apple just makes me all....
    Last edited by Bradfo69; 02-14-2015 at 08:48.

  4. #14
    swamidog's Avatar
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    bluefang and i talk in irc. it goes something like this:

    swami: what you're doing is really cool. have you considered adding XXXXXX?

    bluefang: yes. it already does that.

    swami: (nods sagely and reaches for latte)

    an analog synth style abstract editor with ilda save. what's not to love? i anticipate dropping some of these effects into my LSX show timelines.

    p.s. macs are awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by CDBEAM View Post
    Also being a HUGE.... "SwamiD Groupie"....( Haha...this name is now trade marked !)....This is very,very interesting....but alas.....ILDA out and Windows support will quickly open my wallet !!!

    Great Work !! Forge ahead !!! Thank you !!


    Then again....200 bucks for a Mac Mini + Maxwell Alpha version = " Abstract Zygote "....and a Mac Mini to putz with ??? Hmmmmm
    suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.

  5. #15
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    Hmmmmmm ????? Well....All things considered again !!!! ...I would MUCH rather support Mr.Bluefang vs. Apple !!!!! Seems to be good Karma to me !!! Macs are great....but in that land...I am a stranger !! Full speed ahead BF !!! Damm the torpedos !!!
    Beam Axiom #1 ~The Quantum well is DEEP ! Photons for ALL !!
    Beam Axiom #2 ~Yes...As a matter of fact...I DO wear tinfoil on my head !!
    Beam Axiom #3 ~Whe'n dout...Po ah Donk awn et !!
    Beam Axiom #4 ~A Chicken in every Pot, and a Laser Lumia in every Livingroom !!
    Beam Axiom #5 ~"Abstract Photonic Expressionism" "Abstractonimical" !!
    Beam Axiom #6 ~ "A Posse ad Essea" ~ From being possible to being actual the beam target !

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Oakland, CA


    Nice work!!!
    I have MAX/MSP 6, and the ether dream DAC, I'd love to beta test if possible!

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradfo69 View Post
    Yeah.... this "could" push me over the edge but, "shudder".... supporting A-a-a-apple just makes me all....
    Depending on how/if BlueFang supports exporting files, you may not have to. I have Snow Leopard running on a VMWare. I hear that there is a Mavericks VM image out there too. No Mac needed
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by absolom7691 View Post
    Depending on how/if BlueFang supports exporting files, you may not have to. I have Snow Leopard running on a VMWare. I hear that there is a Mavericks VM image out there too. No Mac needed
    I don't think that Max/MSP supports Snow Leopard. I believe it is Mac OS 10.7 and above, but I could be wrong. YMMV.

    Not sure what you mean by supporting exporting files. The way it works is that there is a big square "RECORD" button at the top - you hit that button and it goes into RECORD PAUSE mode and brings up a file selection dialog which allows you to enter a file name and location to store the ILDA file. After selecting this, it starts recording whatever you do in real-time - until you stop it by clicking on the record button again or the file reaches the maximum number of ILDA frames - which according to the spec is 65537 I believe. I stop a few frames short to be safe.

    Also, because I am creating ILDA frames in a real-time streaming fashion - I am not writing the correct "Total Frames" field in the ILDA file, because I don't know that value when writing the file - I can't "predict" when you are gonna hit stop and know what the total number of frames is going to be of your file. Basically, I am "streaming" the ILDA file to disk. This is a major oversight in the ILDA spec in my opinion, however I have found that most ILDA viewers ignore this field anyway, and just read the frames in sequentially until the end of the file has been reached. You can take one of the ILDA files I create and drag it straight into LSX. It works perfectly. This is how I have tested my ILDA file export.

    With that being said, release time is drawing near - last little bits of stuff not working are being fixed.

    Quote Originally Posted by luxilid View Post
    Nice work!!!
    I have MAX/MSP 6, and the ether dream DAC, I'd love to beta test if possible!
    Just a little clarification... I am using Max/MSP as development environment. The final application will be just that - an application. You double click it and it magically runs! It will not require users to own Max/MSP - that would be silly because Max/MSP is quite expensive and intimidating. Also, it will be an application - you will not be able to open it in Max/MSP.

    Also, some people have wondered why if Max/MSP is a cross platform development environment, why not just push the button that exports to Windows... Well, there is a large "native C" component to this application - Max/MSP calls these "Externals" - which does all of the difficult drawing to the magic laser machine stuff and handles things in multiple threads so that your computer doesn't die, etc... That is the part that is difficult (actually not difficult, just time consuming) to port to Windows. That is also the part that writes to ILDA files. Most likely, I will release a Windows version as well, but the Windows version will not have the ability to stream to Ether Dream or save to ILDA files until I get the time and motivation to adventure down that path... And that is a deep, dark, scary path (ok, just kidding - it's not really - but I like making fun of Windows development, even though I spend much of my daytime doing Windows development).

    For those people that think Apple is so evil, why is this? I am genuinely curious? I have never understood how you can freely hand out $$$$ for every Windows version and even deal with the crappy Windows activation system that Microsoft hampers you with. That is so horrible in my opinion. I don't work for a company that gives me free Windows OS installs. I have to purchase Windows legitimately. Mac OS X has no activation system whatsoever - the last several major upgrades have been FREE, the entire development environment comes with the OS, and you can simply open up terminal and type all of your favorite Unix commands without having to install something hackie like cygwin... just sayin'...

    Maxwell is COMING SOON - very soon!
    Last edited by BlueFang; 02-19-2015 at 23:04.

  9. #19
    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueFang View Post
    For those people that think Apple is so evil, why is this? I am genuinely curious? I have never understood how you can freely hand out $$$$ for every Windows version and even deal with the crappy Windows activation system that Microsoft hampers you with.
    Some of my issue comes more from the sometimes obnoxious attitudes of the users rather than the actual product/company. It's a bit like dealing with Dallas Cowboy fans.... Or religious fanatics. "If you don't believe in or pray to my God, you're going to hell."

    I don't have a big issue with the company or the products - I do have some yes but, in general, they're just tools. Different strokes for different folks. Under the hood, they're a lot closer to a pc than ever before so much of it is just the OS. There are some things that mac's do very, very well and more efficiently than pc's but at the same time, there are a number of areas where they lag severely behind. They tend to have more appeal for "artsy" folks since they're probably best suited for desktop publishing, photo and video editing and manipulation, music and so forth. Whereas for legitimate business use and particularly business presentation, they leave a lot to be desired. Apple is still all about the dollar and I can't fault them for that - that's what they're in business for but, one example I regularly deal with is trying to hook peoples mac's up to our AV system to show videos and youtube clips and Apple - in their infinite wisdom - has created about 6 different ways out outputting video from their laptops - none of which natively mate up to any projector manufactured so, they force their users to all go spend $26.95 at the Apple store for a dongle to make it work. Ka-ching! I could go on but, it would get off topic and I need to leave for work anyway.

  10. #20
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    For those people that think Apple is so evil, why is this? I am genuinely curious? I have never understood how you can freely hand out $$$$ for every Windows version and even deal with the crappy Windows activation system that Microsoft hampers you with. That is so horrible in my opinion. I don't work for a company that gives me free Windows OS installs. I have to purchase Windows legitimately. Mac OS X has no activation system whatsoever - the last several major upgrades have been FREE, the entire development environment comes with the OS, and you can simply open up terminal and type all of your favorite Unix commands without having to install something hackie like cygwin... just sayin'...
    I find this naivety quite typical of the Apple user

    First of you pay for a license for the Apple OS as part of the cost of the device, you accept a license agreement that states just like Windows that you have a right to use the software under certain terms and conditions, so it’s not free, it’s just transparent to the users.

    Microsoft had to implement an activation system as its OS can be used on various vendors’ hardware platforms in which it didn’t control, with Apple it is a closed ecosystem that is Apple software restricted to run only on Apple hardware and is made in such a way that it will not run on other platform, therefore that is basically the same as an activation system in its own right, again just transparent to the end user.

    I have to purchase Windows legitimately
    I hate to tell you but so to with Apple, and why shouldn't you, they are both commercial products from two separate companies.

    The Mac OS X EULA forbids installations of Mac OS X on a "non-Apple-branded computer"
    Microsoft at least allows you the flexibility to transfer the license to other hardware

    There has been and still is current Hackintosh builds where people have made the Apple OS run on an equivalent Intel platform, and there have been companies that have produced hackintosh hardware for this purpose, in which Apple have sued out of existence.

    You also need to remember that OSX is using a BSD derivative as its underlying OS in which Apple didn’t write where as Microsoft has fully written and developed its OS, so Microsoft has put in considerably more effort that it wanted to recoup some development cost for. And it’s interesting when you say “the last several major upgrades have been FREE” when you could really compare these to the Windows service packs that have been free, it's only major releases that it charges for and again this comes back to the uncontrolled hardware aspect mentioned above.

    BTW, if you really want an Apple challenge, go and try and revert a MAC back to a previous version where you don’t have the media, it won’t be free then (been here done this)

    Just for clarity, my company supplied laptop is a Macbook Pro that I run Windows on as for the work I do (I’m a network engineer specialising in wireless) and I find that majority of the software tools I need don’t exist natively for OSX
    I now also have a Microsoft Surface Pro that is a absolutely fantastic device, full powered laptop in a tablet form (that I didn't need to activate)

    And this brings me onto one of my first gripes with Apple, when you use bootcamp to run Windows on Apple basically cripples it as Bootcamp will only allow the Windows OS to use the high end GPU and not the low end GPU built in to the processor that in turns consumes battery life excessively and makes the laptop run so hot that it’s uncomfortable to work with.

    It also amazes me how many companies have had to reduce their security policies to accommodate Apple devices in the enterprise space (although it is getting better, not necessarily thanks to Apple and Apple products are domestic devices for the home, they no longer make and enterprise hardware (and sorry, but a Mac mini running OSX server is not a server!))

    The other thing I find astounding is that the software and hardware companies that make Apple only products that have limited their market exposure to Apples roughly 15% OSX market share and how much business they are missing through what I could only say is stupidity, I have seen some brilliant Bluetooth devices are that are Apple only, why?

    Brad is very correct in the common day issues with Apple products however I see this changing
    They tend to have more appeal for "artsy" folks since they're probably best suited for desktop publishing, photo and video editing and manipulation, music and so forth.
    I've seen a few companies moving away from Apple due to the bang for buck options that you can get with windows and myriad of non-Apple hardware options and more flexible upgrade paths, take for example the Mac Pro, very nice hardware today but very limited if any upgrade path at an exorbitant price tag.

    I could go on quite a bit more but this is long enough already

    At the end of the day I find Apple makes some nice hardware but is extremely good at marketing.

    Just on a side note, one of the things I find funny with Apple owners is where they promote the OS as being truly flexible by allowing the running of Windows applications through virtualization
    So, what I take from this is that they are promoting for a person to buy an overpriced Macbook, then buy some virtualization software and then buy a copy of Windows to run the app, so why not just by a windows laptop!
    Doesn't this actually make it that Windows is more flexible by allowing this to happen whereas you can't run any Apple software on a Windows device
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