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Thread: Burning Man Incident

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Burning Man Incident

    Don't know if anyone from PL attended, but someone ran into the bonfire at the Burning Man Festival and killed themselves:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Rocklea Brisbane , QLD, Australia


    Seriously WTF that some Knob head thats Gonna fuck it up for every one else. Sorry if i offend or come over as callous... Just sound like a contender / winner for this years Darwin awards

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by zerowaitstate View Post
    Seriously WTF that some Knob head thats Gonna fuck it up for every one else. Sorry if i offend or come over as callous... Just sound like a contender / winner for this years Darwin awards
    Was just about to post the same... Darwinism at it's best.
    No need to worry about the gene pool....

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seattle, WA


    I was there with 13 lasers, didn't witness him running in but heard about it. My first thoughts were the same as you, but then started to think, we do not know why he did it so we should not judge. Some people say that killing yourself is the cowardly way out, but I don't know many cowards that would burn themselves alive, that takes a determined individual. No one wants to burn to death, that's why they came up with "the flames of hell" as a way to describe excruciating, never ending pain. Not saying what he did was ok, but just that we shouldn't just jump to judgement. Very sad incident at an amazing place.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    I'm judging him. The guy is an asshole.
    Regardless of the reasons he had, whether he was on drugs or just wanted to kill himself, he didn't think about the consequences for those that have to go on living and deal with his decision. I imagine he has hurting family members now. I imagine there will now be more rules and regulations that make burning man more of an inconvenience, etc.
    Screw that guy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seattle, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    I'm judging him. The guy is an asshole.
    Regardless of the reasons he had, whether he was on drugs or just wanted to kill himself, he didn't think about the consequences for those that have to go on living and deal with his decision. I imagine he has hurting family members now. I imagine there will now be more rules and regulations that make burning man more of an inconvenience, etc.
    Screw that guy.
    What if he was dosed and didn't know it. There are so many unknown variables, it's best to wait to lay judgement until the facts come out. But honestly, if you were not there, then you should keep your opinion to yourself. It is a tragedy either way and in a mourning time, calling the person who is now dead names, is in poor taste. I was there, had many friends who actually witnessed him run into the fire and get pulled out, so unless you were there and witnessed it yourself, keep your judgements to yourself please. I've been going to burning man since 2007 and there has been less than 1 person who has passed away at it each year. Which is pretty amazing considering that there are 70,000 plus people all staying in the 100+ degree desert for over a week straight, climbing massive art sculptures, jumping on and off moving art cars, with free alcohol running from almost every camp 24/7, along with whatever drugs people decide to take out there as well. It's pretty amazing how few incidents have happened at it. Events like camp bisco have deaths in the double digits some years, but there has been no more than 1 person die per year at the burn. This is not the first time someone has taken their own life at this or any other event(a few years ago someone else ran into the fire), and I doubt that it will have any effect on future burns other than possibly a fence being put in place to keep someone from running into it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Raleigh, NC


    I guess your points are valid but not sure why I need to keep my opinion to myself. My opinion on this subject is very valid, for reasons I am not proud of.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    @slicklasers Which camp/car were you projecting with? I loved all the lasers this year Especially the great showing coming from about 9:15& Esplanade.
    The only setup I saw with nearly that many projectors was Mayan Warrior with 11, did you have all 13 going at once or are you accounting for backups?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    lawton ok

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Essex, England


    I get high and do stupid things all the time. But I woudln';t do anything like that unless I was equally deluded. He must have thought "Yeah, I'm gonna be reborn. Watch this everyone".
    I agree it's selfish to take your life in the most private of ways but doing it in public and at a pinical moment like this is even more selfish. Who cares what his motives were. It's a selfish act no matter what.

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