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  • rodman1369's Avatar
    06-13-2024, 10:38
    I Will be attending SELEM 17 2024! I have missed a few years 😞 ...but now am happy to return to see some old friends and to meet new ones. Due to to circumstances...I will arrive at hotel/venue 08/04 in the afternoon and sadly departing early on the 9th. Thinking about the Homewood...
    21 replies | 13837 view(s)
  • HankLloydRight's Avatar
    06-12-2024, 09:23
    That was Aron Bacs who was interested, but he got a military contracting job (yay!) but as a result can't make it to SELEM (boo!!!). And unfortunately that 4-BR house is no longer available for that week. The 3BR house on the golf course is available, but as someone pointed out the Homewood...
    21 replies | 13837 view(s)
  • buffo's Avatar
    06-12-2024, 08:49
    Hank, I thought a couple folks from the recent PL Zoom call were interested in the Air BnB option that you found? Did that not work out? Honestly, it's really a great deal. If you had all 4 rooms booked, it ends up being cheaper than any of the local hotels, and you've got the entire house...
    21 replies | 13837 view(s)
  • buffo's Avatar
    06-12-2024, 08:43
    I think this could be a lot of fun! If people are concerned about the whole "contest" part, well, I think Ethan was using that term loosely. We could just go around the room and have folks demonstrate their approach; we don't need to actually grade / score everyone's effort. Adam
    1 replies | 285 view(s)
  • buffo's Avatar
    06-12-2024, 08:40
    Looks like round-trip train tickets from Charlotte to Wilmington start at around $200-ish for coach seats. The trip takes about 10 hrs, although it does vary a bit between different trains. That's honestly not bad though. Depending on how bad the traffic is around Washington DC, I've made...
    6 replies | 2330 view(s)
  • JohnYayas's Avatar
    06-12-2024, 03:21
    I have been looking for an excuse to take a long Amtrak journey. I'm going to check the options and see if the stars align.
    6 replies | 2330 view(s)
  • nightlife's Avatar
    06-11-2024, 13:00
    Really nice ,thanks :)
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    06-11-2024, 10:51
    That sounds good enough, You have a wonderful laser now, I'd keep it intact. Let me see if I can find an MRA core that lights/lases. I pulled the manual from storage, I need to scan it. Steve
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • TheHermit's Avatar
    06-11-2024, 10:36
    NVIDIA Unveils "NIMS" Digital Humans, Robots, Earth 2.0, and AI Factories Apologies to Photon Emitters for this OT post that I'm unable to delete.O_o This belongs in the Lounge.
    0 replies | 112 view(s)
  • nightlife's Avatar
    06-11-2024, 02:20
    At the moment there is only Argon 7.0 (99,99999%) and Krypton (99,9999%) available in austria.
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • nightlife's Avatar
    06-11-2024, 00:51
    you put the whole tube in a box filled with argon to prevent to get air in the tube while connecting?
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    06-10-2024, 22:55
    At the cathode = full rebuild only. Through the reservoir is the other method, but painfully slow and requires careful means to manipulate the valves so as to not burn them out. Coherent has a very mean preventative trick waiting for you if you try to take the end bell off to weld in a new...
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    06-10-2024, 22:52
    I'll express my support for this version. Steve
    10 replies | 13362 view(s)
  • nightlife's Avatar
    06-10-2024, 21:27
    This makes the effort a bit clear. That means, you pinch the copper tube in the front near of the cathode or at another position? If you find time, it would be nice if you can send me the MRA Manual :)
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • Displaser's Avatar
    06-10-2024, 20:27
    Maybe another version of Steve’s submission?
    10 replies | 13362 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    06-10-2024, 13:14
    Six nines after the decimal point or better 99.999999% Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen in the parts per million are too high. If you use "dirty" gas it will lase, it will then have a very short life. The difference is how the storage tank itself is lined and processed prior to filling.
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • lasermaster1977's Avatar
    06-09-2024, 16:03
    Greg, and any others interested, in case you didn't see this PDF I posted in another PLF post. I made one back in 1977 and was impressed with its capabilities.
    0 replies | 10828 view(s)
  • nightlife's Avatar
    06-09-2024, 11:52
    I'm so glad that there is still someone who really knows their way around the old tubes ;) What grade of gas do you need, is this special made for laser filling or is there a product name for that special grade? Are you able to send a pic from your filling stand, i am very interested about...
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    06-09-2024, 09:35
    The beauty of an Innova is the ability to move the bore and get around the dust. Dust like that appears when it was used to pump a dye laser in the past, and as they say about Horses in the US, "Ridden Hard and Put Away Wet", generating four or more watts to pump the dye. It can go a long,...
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • clickamouse's Avatar
    06-09-2024, 07:59
    clickamouse replied to a thread Resources for Lumia in Lumia
    Greetings, all; I gave a talk yesterday to an ILDA Zoom thang about my new laser art piece, Alien Black Box. More info here: This piece uses stepper motors to move the lumia disks, and people were interested in sourcing. Here is where I...
    22 replies | 122471 view(s)
  • nightlife's Avatar
    06-09-2024, 02:06
    Thanks Steve for all the information. I will now always let it run as long as i have time. Two things i have noticed. 1) small parts are sticking inside the front brewster. that might also be a big problem. They are "new" because from the last cleaning session the brewsters were clean. ...
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 17:25
    see attached, this is typical of the 910,920,930 family of medical lasers... Your laser was the top deck under the wood lid of one of those... Around 250 KG without the crate and ophthalmic gear. Steve
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 15:59
    Dean Glassburn closed, Evergreen Closed, Cambridge Lasers Closed, Dynamic Laser does Aircooled and He is closing the business. That leaves me for long tubes in the US, and I have the tooling and rare gas. I also have MRA magnets, the Pinchoff tool , Ion Pump, Turbo Pump, etc, so you would...
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
  • lasermaster1977's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 11:30
    lasermaster1977 replied to a thread CYGN-B in The Lounge
    You big show off! ;) ;) ;) ;)
    944 replies | 2213159 view(s)
  • laserist's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 10:22
    laserist replied to a thread CYGN-B in The Lounge
    944 replies | 2213159 view(s)
  • lasermaster1977's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 10:14
    lasermaster1977 replied to a thread CYGN-B in The Lounge
    Perspective, literally, visual perspective is the key here. Greg is correct. Each pendulum is on a graduating smaller length, front to back. Look closely at the start of the video, the long wooden board strip is not level...because of the different pendulum lengths, longer in front, shorter in...
    944 replies | 2213159 view(s)
  • Greg's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 09:45
    Greg replied to a thread CYGN-B in The Lounge
    Could it be the pendulums are of differing lengths so each is swinging at a slightly lagging or leading period to the next?
    944 replies | 2213159 view(s)
  • nightlife's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 05:29
    Now it runs since 2hrs at 25Amps and the voltage dropped from 223,9V to 223,4V. Do you have a U-I chart or field service manual etc. for this type ? Is mr. glassburn still active in laser business?
    16 replies | 620 view(s)
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