Welcome To Photonlexicon Laser Forum.
It's a shame that holographyforum.org is now dead... I heard from a few people stating that they wanted a place to get in touch with members they don't have contact information for, so here we go.
Google: EFF 47 USC § 230
For the sake of centralized tracking: Please post all Laserframes in this forum.
All news, notices, rules, and restrictions.
VERY loosely moderated forum for discussion of anything and everything.
Tell us what you would like to see changed or added to the forums!
Make a new post in here if you find a bug, problem, or error.
Feel like getting together in your region to show off and discuss your lasers? Post here!
We know why you are here... It's an addiction...
Coherence is lost on them ;)
All submitted modifications, up for display and discussion.
This is not the "My laser is broken!!!" forum. Advanced technical discussion is for intelligent discussion pertaining to the advancement of laser technology.
Have lasershow.ILD will travel ;) How the pros and hobbyists make a laser into airborn artwork!
Where refraction, diffraction, and reflection meet to make some seriously mind bending visual effects!
Magic AKA Telling a digital control system how to compensate for problems with inertial mass in an analog environment.
So you got a product? Like it, hate it? Tell us about it!
The seller was perfect or perfectly incompetent? We need to know!
Got something you think we all might be interested in?
Band together to get a price break, good items at a good price.
Welcome to our newest member, Trakken67