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Thread: Increase site traffic...

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Jem that's the one I'm using atm and up to now no issues. Bad side of having it off site is eventually they could become deleted when maybe the OP doesn't want them deleting. On the other hand, it saves Robert a ton of bandwidth.

    No offence taken btw. Hope that goes both ways.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by White-Light View Post

    Jem that's the one I'm using atm and up to now no issues. Bad side of having it off site is eventually they could become deleted when maybe the OP doesn't want them deleting. On the other hand, it saves Robert a ton of bandwidth.
    That's exactly what happened with photobucket which I used to use, not sure what happened but all the photo's disappeared (probably because I didn't use it much). However, that means that all the links to those photo's became invalid.

    No offence taken btw. Hope that goes both ways.
    Sure, we're all good
    Quote: "There is a theory which states that if ever, for any reason, anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.”... Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Cambridgeshire, England


    Another Brit poster here! The Photobucket issue isn't only you Jem, last year they decided there was money to be made and they blocked the majority of forums from displaying pictures hosted on PB unless the user wanted to pay a lot of money (over $100 P.A. if I recall). I moderate another forum (not laser related I hasten to add) and we're still trying to sort out the mess of broken image links, we're probably in the region of several tens of thousands of photos lost.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    May 2007
    1 hr from everything in SoCal


    I stopped using Facebook a while ago. I still have my account as I like to log on every now and then to see what kind of shenanigans my niece and nephew are up to but outside of that, I don't post on there or read anyone's comments. With very few exceptions, I have found facebook to be a cesspool of political rants, exhibition of the mundane, glorification of mediocrity, and all of this wrapped up in a format that is psychologically designed to be addictive. While I don't want to turn into an old fart that just doesn't get these "confounded kids and their fancy new whosiwhatsits" I do believe there is a sliver of truth to the idea that Facebook (and other apps like it) erode healthy social interaction, to a degree, anyway. Sure, it introduces a new type of interaction but when it becomes addictive and people start to prefer it over normal communication, it is actually more isolating. The, almost, euphoric stimulation of seeing a new post in your feed, now in bright colors and backgrounds, is akin to a fresh shot of *enter narcotic here* into your veins. Don't even get me started on the "Like" collectors. It just seems like a place filled with vapid people. I know, there are rants here but at least on PL, I learn things and there is nothing more stimulating than knowledge. Although I hear cocaine's a hell of a drug! lol

    Anyway, not to derail but since these apps are the drug of choice in this ever-evolving internet, it is depressing to see places like this become less active as a result.

    Love you guys.*

    *NO HOMO
    Last edited by absolom7691; 04-25-2018 at 08:11.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cleveland Ohio


    i'd happily pitch in for some storage so you can store the images local. 20 TB or so should fix you up for a few years.

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