Looks like I stirred up a hornets net on Wicked's site...
really didnt mean too.....
Come to find out the dude "Cipher" (he posted later on Wicked's site) is the one selling these and apparently didnt know ebays rules on these.."if there are any" . He looked and didnt find any reason not too, so he posted them.
I too have been up and down thru their rules and didn't find anything making them "illegal" to sell.
But they "eBay" do say its against ebay policy to sell over 5mW laser pointers.
I have recieved that response myself from them.
However, They will pull it if someone complains..I wont, because it might cause problems for all lasers.,
but someone else might..just because they are afraid some kid might buy it and get hurt...
In otherwords , selling to the "uneducated" crowd.
I guess it just made me mad too.. because "I" cant sell my lasers because of the high powered pointers showing up there...and all the attention they are getting. drawing away from the ones selling real lasers. or at least something that will last longer.
Sure...we all want the handheld ones. --- but "those" will die all too soon.
and they will graduate to the better ones.
Rant finished
"My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
*^_^* aka PhiloUHF