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Thread: Pics and video's of a show I did over the weekend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Portland, Oregon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Looking good James! Next time I head up your direction I will be sure to pay you a visit! Keep up the good work kind sir!

    Support your local Janitor- not solicited .

    Laser (the acronym derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation) is a spectacular manifestation of this process. It is a source which emits a kind of light of unrivaled purity and intensity not found in any of the previously known sources of radiation. - Lasers & Non-Linear Optics, B.B. Laud.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Portland, Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by sugeek View Post
    Looking good James! Next time I head up your direction I will be sure to pay you a visit! Keep up the good work kind sir!

    Thank you! Can't wait to see you when you come down. I'm using Jared and Karis as my laser operator's now. I think you know them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    For me, there is so much frames displayed so fast.
    I enjoy when I have time to appreciate the beauty of a lasershow.
    By the way, it's seems to be a good event ! .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Looks good, but sometimes less is more.

    See if you can slow the animation frame rate down. Slow changes are often more dramatic than fast ones. (Too much "spaz and flail", not enough "ooh and aaah".) If you can't adjust the frame rate, try reducing the scan rate.

    The green laser at the back of the club appeared to be moving much slower. That's closer to the sort of effect I'm talking about.

    Also, sometimes having just a few beams out of each projector is more impressive than a fan or a sheet. And remember to go dark with the lasers from time to time.

    Overall, it looks like you've got quite a nice installation there. What equipment (projectors, controllers) are you using?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Southport, UK


    ^^^^ +1 ^^^^

    As Buffo said, impressive projectors but the show was a bit manic, I have various pages of cues set up with different beat settings.
    Page one is set to change pattern every 8 beats, next page evey 4 beats and so on.

    Further pages have completely different sets of cues, but they are then repeated with the same beat setting regime.

    This way I can change the dynamics of the display from a slowly changing display to a punchy dynamic display based on the tune that is playing by simply selecting the cue page.

    I find this scheme really easy to use 'on the fly', you just need to keep an ear to the music and anticipate whats coming.

    Doc's website

    The Health and Safety Act 1971

    Recklessly interfering with Darwin’s natural selection process, thereby extending the life cycle of dim-witted ignorami; thus perpetuating and magnifying the danger to us all, by enabling them to breed and walk amongst us, our children and loved ones.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Portland, Oregon


    Thank you for all your comments. I like Doc's idea. That's something I can do and understand.

    Middle projector 450mw-640, 350mw-532, 330mw-473. All Laser-wave.
    The 2 side projector's 300mw-635, 100mw-473, 1200mw-532. Great color balance.
    All these projector's is ran on quick-show. Waiting for another FB3 so I can run the middle laser on a separate program.

    Back of the room laser is running around 1.6 watts-532. I just run it on auto/sound mode for now.

    I'm pretty new and learning as I go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Connecticut, USA



    systems look EXCELLENT! For someone who just started, you're doing a great job. Shows look to be very safely done also.

    Your FB3 will be to you tomorow.

    you should be pretty damn proud man!


    ILDA- U.S. Laser Regulatory Committee

    Authorized Dealer for:

    • Pangolin Laser Software and Hardware
    • KVANT Laser Modules & Laser Systems
    • X-Laser USA
    • CNI Lasers
    • Cambridge Technology & Eye Magic Professional Scanning Systems

    FDA/CDRH Certified Professional LuminanceRGB Laser Light Show Systems

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Nice equipment list there, James! You've spend some serious money outfitting that club!
    Quote Originally Posted by gottaluvlasers View Post
    Shows look to be very safely done also.
    I was going to comment on this in my initial post, and I forgot. But Marc raises a good point. All the beams appeared to be well above the floor and aimed towards the ceiling. Also, I didn't see anything on the ceiling that might reflect a beam back down into the crowd. So kudo's to you, James, for setting things up right the first time. With the power levels you are dealing with, audience safety is an absolute priority.

    Having said that, if this is one of your first shows, I'd say that you're well on your way towards learning the trade. As I mentioned above, try playing around with the timing of the frames, and don't be afraid to "go dark" once in a while. A good laser show should build up to a crescendo. Don't blow all your good effects right at the start.

    Also, don't underestimate the power of simple effects. One or two beams slowly tracing back and fourth from each projector is an *incredibly* dramatic effect. Another awesome effect is a beam-strobe, where you have a few beams stabbing out in different directions with each beat of the music. Very cool stuff.

    Remember: Your audience is not familiar with lasers at all, so they will be impressed by just about anything the projector does. Learn how to control it to keep things moving in time with the beat, and only make sudden changes when there is a significant change in the music (cut to bridge verse, breakdown, that sort of thing). Otherwise, try to shift effects smoothly (and on the beat), and group similar effects together.

    Doc's advice to make custom sets of cues for different beat styles is excellent advice. This will make it much easier for you to control the "feel" of the show based on the type of music that is playing. As the excitement builds, you switch to faster cues with more "spaz and flail" action, but if the DJ plays a slower song, you switch to soothing sine-wave patterns or other liquid-sky effects. Also remember that a slow rainbow color cycle effect can turn an otherwise static frame into pure magic, at least from the audience's perspective... A slow rotate (even just 2 or 3 RPM) is also very dramatic.

    Finally, I noticed that Marc is sending you an FB3. Are you getting a LivePro! license to go with it? If not, I strongly urge you to consider this upgrade. LivePro! is tailor-made for the types of shows you'll be doing, and it makes beat-matching so simple that a child could do it. (Seriously! It's that easy!) LivePro! also has more effects than you could possibly ever want, making it easy for you to set up several things in advance and then just let it cycle through them. It's hands-down the best live laser show software available today, in my opinion. (And if you link it to a $200 midi controller, it becomes an excellent analog desk as well!)


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Portland, Oregon


    Thanks everyone. I have around 25 shows under my belt. I'm mobile not a permanent install. I love all the advice. I have always had a problem with going all the time. 16-21 year raver kids will like what you do no matter what. I could shine flashlights on a truss and they would thing it would look good. I'm going try to get into more higher end shows so I need to step up my game some. It looks like a Midi controller and Live Pro should be my next upgrades.

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