These actually win in bang for the buck....
7x10 minilathe.
Available from, quite a few vendors.. Including UK ones.
I own two, one for fine work and a second one I picked up for 99$.
I scraped and leveled the ways on the fine one by hand with a chunk of carbide wedged into a holder, took 8 hours but worth every minute. Even unscraped, they are fabtabulous..
I would not give you a pitcher of warm spit for the r8 Minimill, but the origional minilathe is a good investment, and a lot of 3rd parties make support for it.
If no one in the UK comes up with what you need, let me know. Measure the barrel inside with a digital caliper and get back to me. Also take a guess at the hole size you need, and state it.
Take a look at the US standard drill table, and specify accordingly. I have the numbered, lettered, and fractional drills to 1/2" and then some.
Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
When I still could have...