Hey Kats -
ok, so just so as-to not be 'left-out' of posting SOMEthing in this forum besides cool 'NASA' pix...I was thinking that either of these two items:
(have several of them, various-sizes...) and/or:
FS mirror stock, ~1/8" th. x 1" x ~6.25" (ignore the 4" x 4"s...)
... might-be of some interest to 'ya'll' doing your 445-harvest / collimation projects - particularly for those trying to do multi-diode-combo efforts, to get x-Watts into one beam... clearly, the 'u-channels' will make for a nice, self-heat-sinking base upon-which to-build such efforts, and I am thinking those 'narrow strip' first-surface mirrors might be helpful, say, @ ~45˚ to start channelling the beams down into an optical-stage...
Just a shameless effort to plug some 'goodies' FS, that may / may not be helpful...