Hey all-
any good (preferably freeware) computer system testers/benchmarker softwares you all would recomend?
I got my new system all done and put the SSD in it (60GB OCZ Vertex Turbo) and yes, it seems damn fast, but for some reason, i dont seem very impressed with the whole system as a whole.
Maybe i was expecting too much!? i dont know. i would like to really thoroughly test the WHOLE system. really beat the hell out of everything. most importantly the processor and drives though.
I have the SSD as my system drive. then i have a 750GB drive and 1TB drive as media drives. I was trrasfering a significant amount of info (200+GB) from the 1TB to the 750GB and it just seemed agonizingly slow. I tghink about 70MB/s xfer rate. Does that sound right? (SATA drives)
The system starts up from a dead start in aobut 12 seconds. (pretty cool i guess).
Thanks anyone for your adivce.
it *did* rip a full blu ray in about 3 hours. from full blu-ray image to compressed .mkv HD format. I guess thats pretty good right?