Hello guys,
I found a document in Word on the internet to calculate the cylindrical lens for the blue
Circularize the laser diode beam using cylindrical lens
Cylindrical lenses focus or expand light in one axis only. They can be used to expand the output of the laser diode into a symmetrical beam. The rectangular cross-section of the laser diode cavity results in a beam shape with a wider angular output from the narrow cavity dimension and a narrower angular output from the wide cavity dimension. Laser diodes have an asymmetric radiation pattern which, when collimated, becomes an elliptical beam pattern. As a result, anamorphic prism pairs are often used to convert the elliptical collimated beam to a circular shape.
One can also use a pair of cylindrical lenses to achieve similar results to the anamorphic prism pairs. One cylindrical lens can be used to collimate the laser diode’s slow axis and a second cylindrical lens can be used to collimate the fast axis. By simply matching the laser diode beam divergence ratio (vertical vs. horizontal) to the ratio of the focal lengths of the two lenses, a nearly symmetrical circular beam can be created.
Since a laser diode is considered as a point source, the two lenses should be placed a distance equal to their respective focal lengths from the laser diode emitter orthogonally to create a collimated beam output. Make sure the beam size at each lens does not exceed the clear aperture of the lens. The output beam width is equal to 2f tan Θ (where Θ is beam divergence).
Below is an example of how to match the laser diode beam divergence ratio with the focal length ratio of two cylindrical lenses to create a nearly circular beam.
Specifications of the Thorlabs HL6320G, 635nm, 10mW Laser Diode
G1 = 11 Divergence x-axis FWHM (deg)
G2 = 37 Divergence y-axis FWHM (deg)
Divergence ratio: 3.364
Specifications of cylindrical lenses
F1 = 50.0mm Thorlabs’ LJ1695L1
F2 = 12.7mm Thorlabs’ LJ1942L1
Focal length ratio: 3.937
Specifications of output beam
d1 = 2f1 tan (G1) = 19.44mm
d2 = 2f2 tan (G2) = 19.14mm
As you can see, the output beam is slightly asymmetric but with a great improvement on the beam shape quality.
Maybe this could be of any help to calculate the cilindrical lens.
You only have to fill in the formule for the x-as (fast axis)
LarryDFW from LPF measured 40 degrees on the x-as (fast axis) and 12 degrees on the slow (y) axis
Who is a wizzkid