Hi guys
I have some very promising results with my setup, from common thinking with djolek
I'm using a classic collimator, don't want to disclose the lens used now but everyone could figure this themselves as it is really simple
The beam at the aperture is 2mm*0.5mm and diverges to 20mm*2mm after 6 meters with no correction, but the lens I use gives almost no speckle and the beam is very clean
I use an anamorphic prism pair from an old crystalaser unit Gogu sold me some time ago, which is coated for 808nm and thus losses are important, but it is not really important as cost per mW is 0.04 euro
Here are some pictures, the beam at 6 meters is now 1cm*1.5cm which gives a divergence of 1.5mrad... not so bad and I'll settle with that setup as it is very pleasant
a view on the anamorphic prism pair
a beam shot, a bit blurry cause the camera is hard to focus
a beam shot with a bit of cigarette smoke, really outstanding color as soon as you have a bit of smoke
and finally the spot shape at 6 meters, clearly nice for a two cent setup