Auto Tracking Laser
OK, I have been talking about it for some time, the auto tracking laser.
I have now finally installed a suitable PTZ camera, its an ELMO251IP and is large enough and robust enough to carry the laserhead.
This has now been installed on the home network, and placed live on the internet using our iCatcher software If you want to have a look/control at the camera then it can be found here (username "icatcher" password "cctv");
At the moment all users can control the camera, so if more than one person trys there will be confusion. I will start fabricating the brackets for the laser head tommrow.
The module I will be using (initally) is a 50 mw modified leadlight module, as shown here;
This will be fitted to the front of the camera with a custom bracket which will be designed to clamp onto the front of the housing with not intrusion into the camera parts. The power for the greenie will be provided by 2 C cells (keeping it simple) located behind the camera. Power to the laser head will be switched by a relay, once the head is in place this is the next task, and will be activated by the movement detection.
I will post another update tommrow, hopefully the bracket will be made.