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Thread: Laserwave 250mW 473nm module, driver & PSU - doing <> 300mW - feeler?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    South Lincs, UK

    Default Laserwave 250mW 473nm module, driver & PSU - doing <> 300mW - feeler?

    I have a LaserWave 250mW 473nm Blue analog/TTL module (driver & PSU included) doing approx 300mW, that I am thinking of selling and replacing with a 445nm module I am currently building.
    I want to know if anyone will be interested in this module prior to me removing it from my projector - if no one wants it, I could do with the cash to finely hone my 445 , then I will leave it in and mix it with the 445 - space in an issue though
    Specs here:

    I am thinking of around £700'ish?
    My Brain urt's!

    Continuously in Awe! of (H)Al, the Photonlexicon Font of Complete Knowledge - The (H)Al'PL Database of complete puss that no one needs to know or ever trusts as he ain't really got a Scooby doo about now't!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    South Lincs, UK


    Will trade for a nice red setup?

    Home built or module?

    Last edited by smogthemog; 06-17-2010 at 01:29.
    My Brain urt's!

    Continuously in Awe! of (H)Al, the Photonlexicon Font of Complete Knowledge - The (H)Al'PL Database of complete puss that no one needs to know or ever trusts as he ain't really got a Scooby doo about now't!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    honestly until this whole 445nm thing blows over its not worth selling it at the moment... I had a 250mW laserwave that I tried selling here and on ebay with no luck...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Amsterdam, NL


    I would like to trade your 250mW blue with 2000mW! of other blue diode power. (diode only)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    South Lincs, UK


    So you want to swap me my 250mW of 473 that cost me £1200 less than a year ago, that has done no more than 5 hours work in total, for one 455 diode

    I know it's not worth that much mate but it worth more than bloody £40

    Your weird
    My Brain urt's!

    Continuously in Awe! of (H)Al, the Photonlexicon Font of Complete Knowledge - The (H)Al'PL Database of complete puss that no one needs to know or ever trusts as he ain't really got a Scooby doo about now't!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by smogthemog View Post
    So you want to swap me my 250mW of 473 that cost me £1200 less than a year ago, that has done no more than 5 hours work in total, for one 455 diode

    I know it's not worth that much mate but it worth more than bloody £40

    Your weird
    haha. I'll give ya £50?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK


    As painful as it may sound there is a lot of truth in the last few comments. Taking the pee a lot maybe but personally, i wouldn't have it for even £300. I know how much it cost, but sadly that means nothing now. I'm just so glad i didn't buy a 473. The whites achieved with the 445's are just fantastic. So 445 for me!

    Keep it and mix it i say.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by XysteR View Post
    As painful as it may sound there is a lot of truth in the last few comments. Taking the pee a lot maybe but personally, i wouldn't have it for even £300. I know how much it cost, but sadly that means nothing now. I'm just so glad i didn't buy a 473. The whites achieved with the 445's are just fantastic. So 445 for me!

    Keep it and mix it i say.
    unless your doing graphics... having a dark blue sky and water doesn't really do it for me

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    The issue isn't whether or not the 473nm laser is worth good money, it's whether or not they still have applications here. Since it is a rather difficult to build DPSS laser it still has great value.. perhaps just not to many of us with the new 445nm business going on.

    Also, I have a gut feeling that if certain powers have their way these 445nm diodes will not always be quite so easily obtained. I sincerely hope that this never happens, but along with the obvious safety concerns these 445nm diodes are putting a damper on some folk's ability to successfully make money.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    If I had the extra cash in my pocket I would buy it from you; for the asking price. 250mW of 473 would go nice with 800 to 1000mW of 445; assuming you have the red and green to match. My goal is to see if I can get an AOM on a similar TTL blue to mix with a couple of 445s running half power; need to get a couple of 640s to go with a quad of 660.
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

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