....well kind of . bought a phr-803t sled to use the 405 diode when i convert my tri160 and noticed there was a cube optic for passing blue and reflecting i/r and also a dichro i think .so got out a 405 pointer <5mw,532 <5mw pointer and the red laser from a laser one,think its also 5mw.just laying them on the desk,i had a go at combining the beams.had the blue and red through the cube and tried to reflect the green at 45'.at first only got the seperate beams but after a short while i got a shade of white plus cyan.see photos.i think the laser bug has bit me so the tri 160 is next and then we need to go bigger and better.
1st try
2nd try
3rd try.whitish and cyan plus multi green and red beams.
waiting for the laughing and remarks lol