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Thread: 2w+ why?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Grand Rapids, Mi

    Default 2w+ why?

    Curious as to everyones reason for wanting to build a dual or quad blue. Other than professional use, what use it is to really have more than 1w? I find in my hobby room that 1w on scanners is almost to bright with graphics. This is a short throw distance for myself and going to a higher gain screen so perhaps that is why.

    I'll admit it will be cool to have one or rather 2~4w, but other than pushing the power meter further why?

    I know i am alot more comfortable with a half watt total rgb box in the room where the family watches the laser shows than I would be with a high power.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cleveland Ohio

    Default poweer scaling

    I'm not sure so I removed it.
    Last edited by kecked; 06-22-2010 at 09:55.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by kecked View Post
    IF you go from 50mw to 500mw you only increase the apparent brightness by 2. To do it again you need to go to 5000mw. So if you want your image to be 4 times brighter you need an increase of 100 times in power.
    You're really wrong here. To have twice the brightness you need 3-4x the power, not 10x!!! You should confound the sensibility of humans ears versus humans eyes

    Btw Polishedball, you're right, unless you have 2W of 532nm and 4W of 640nm in your RGB setup, that's usefull to have a 2W 445nm laser, or your white balance will be REALLY blue...
    The only thing is 445nm alone will be brighter with 2W or more, but once again you can do the trick by adding a little green to the mix to really boost brightness. And that's less dangerous.

  4. #4
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    Bend Oregon USA


    But why not put your full color in the middle and put one of these stage left and one stage right with their own set of scanners There is NO end to what you can do, there is NO are only limited by your own (or someone elses) budget there is no limit, if you are in a living room and that is all you do...then the limit changes...but will want to go into a stadium

    laserman532 dual knife edge kit (not a shameless plug, merely for informational purposes)
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    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt & selling it in a garage sale.

  5. #5
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    Omaha, NE

    Question Diffraction Gratings?

    I'm surprised to see (or not see) any sample vids of someone trying these thru a diffraction grating or two. 2W of blue, a dmx channel for motor speed, one for intensity, direction, etc. That would add some killer punch to any beam show!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    My reason to have 2W or more is because of the capacity to do bigger jobs with more ppl !
    I also use my laser outside for graphic (summertime) when it`s bright.
    Then it`s nice to have a laser that can project pictures on the wall even if there is sun above the skies :-)

    Another thing is that more power is cooler haha...

  7. #7
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by polishedball View Post
    Curious as to everyones reason for wanting to build a dual or quad blue. Other than professional use, what use it is to really have more than 1w?
    I can think of a few reasons:

    1: These diodes are run at 600-700mW max in the manufacturer's application, and are only really warranted for 6000 hours (not 20K, which Casio doesn't guarantee). We may discover that they don't last long at 1W. Using multiple lasers at 500mW or so might be a better investment in the long run.

    2: Laser diode beams are unpleasantly shaped. Using two or more lasers combined can provide a better profile. This is especially true if they are rotated 90deg and combined with a PBS. This doubles the brightness of the source (knife edging cannot) and increases axial symmetry.

    3: Many people want high beam quality more than just high power. Cleaning up these beams wastes a lot of power. To get 1W of nicely shaped and narrowly collimated light may require 4 diodes.

  8. #8
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    Nottingham, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by mpoulton View Post
    1: These diodes are run at 600-700mW max in the manufacturer's application, and are only really warranted for 6000 hours (not 20K, which Casio doesn't guarantee). We may discover that they don't last long at 1W. Using multiple lasers at 500mW or so might be a better investment in the long run.
    I have personally measured them running "stock", as-is pushing out 1.025W each.
    They are also 100% guaranteed for 10,000 hours. Fact.
    - There is no such word as "can't" -
    - 60% of the time it works every time -

  9. #9
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by danielbriggs View Post
    I have personally measured them running "stock", as-is pushing out 1.025W each.
    They are also 100% guaranteed for 10,000 hours. Fact.

    Casio's site, as well as the packaging for the projector itself, say the light source is warranted for 6000 hours or 3 years. I haven't seen anything else printed anywhere.

    I'm curious about the power readings. Quite a few people have measured the power output as being around 3/4 watt in the projector. I read 700-750 on mine but I don't trust my meter with the pulsed waveform.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia


    everything I have seen suggests they are 1 watt dies.

    sbk: I beg to differ. I'd say you'd only need around 2W of 640 to match 2W of 445. Our 4W RGB has 2W of 635, 1W of green and 1W of 445 and is very red. I pull the mod on one of the 635s and i get a nice white

    Of course with 2W of 635 the colours look absolutely spastic.... But I know we could comfortably throw another 1W of 445 and 1W of 532 at this thing and the red will keep up.
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