Tests of 250Mw 660nm RED laser diode
Well, Just mounted Diode #2 in the test jig..
seems it really will do 250mw and more..
However, it mode hops quite a bit up above 275mw...
I am going to run this one set at 255mW for a few weeks ,,
see what happens
I did test diode #1
It was the guineypig for the sacrifice....
it did do well over 325mW , but before i could measure the current
It went COD as a backreflection from the lasercheck got it..
I must remember "always" to offset the sensor.,
Or, it might have been too cold as I had cooled it to 0c.
Oh well. next time I do this I'll use much lower current.
So, It is safe to assume 250mw for now. I didnt see or hear any hops.
I do need to do more tests..such as stability (mode hops) on my home made interferometer as it has a detector pick-off going to an audio amp.
Also need to plot power vs current..and wavelength too.
lasing threshold seems very low as well around 35ma..
And still has some red output all the way down to a few ma...
Hmm.. that'l make it hard for TTL modulation,..quite a swing.
Heres a pix comparing it to the 130mW..
Guess which is which?
That reminds me...
DO NOT EVER reflect the beam back into the laser lens..
This will kill these high-powered diodes
So be very careful when using mirrors and beam splitters.
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*^_^* aka PhiloUHF