I have bought a red and one blue PBS cubes. How do you see difference between them?
I have bought a red and one blue PBS cubes. How do you see difference between them?
shine a red or blue laser into one
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
Hold it up to a white light and see which has a blue or red hue to it.
Doc's website
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Recklessly interfering with Darwin’s natural selection process, thereby extending the life cycle of dim-witted ignorami; thus perpetuating and magnifying the danger to us all, by enabling them to breed and walk amongst us, our children and loved ones.
Im pretty certain I marked them on one of the rough surfaces with a red mark and blue mark - guess which is which
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Laserists do it by the nanometre.
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Lol ok i deserved that. Hehe. Thing is I bought these from stanwax and he was kind enough to mark them with a blue and a red pen. But here is the funny pArt. When I shine one of these new 445 diodes in the PBS marked with blue pen it's impossible to have it go straight through. It bounces perfect in 90•angle and only looses 10mW. But to have the other diode to go straight through is not possible unless you accept 90% loss.
Then just to test I tested with the PBS marked with red pen and voilà it works one diode pass right through with only 15-20mW loss And the other in a perfect 90•a gle with about the same loss.
Just wondering if the PBS Are marked wrong? I dont believe they are but this is strange.
Any clues?
Thats why the question, can i see on the glass color wich is wich?
Ive turned the PBS alitle so its NOT exactly 90D from one of the diodes and that one lets the beam go through but its still alot of loss.
i will wait untill i get better optics from Aixiz, these acrylic dosnt seem to good.
But still i get more power from the Red PBS.
But i guess its "Knife edge" that seems to be the best option right now.
My camera dosnt really like the 445 so hardly visable but here is a drawing of the setup.
Last edited by rfourt; 06-25-2010 at 12:52.