Hi Gold,
Thats what I am waiting for here as well..
Sony is already Incorporating those inside their new
HDTV cam ...
Sony also said it had decided to incorporate a Blu-ray drive into the PS3
woohoo!!! I cant wait...
They brought a few HDTV cams and a lap-top editor
by work about a month ago and boy they ARE nice..
storage capablity is so big...
But so is the price... I dunno if we will buy them
I hope so....
But I dont think I'll be able to pull those diodes out for quite
some time as...They are warranting them for like 5yrs..
And the whole assembly is in module form
So, when it goes bad, they just replace it..
Im guessing the Sony folks want the diodes back, HEHE..
"My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
*^_^* aka PhiloUHF