UPDATE: I am pretty desperate to sell stuff right now, I lowered the prices on stuff.
I am selling off the rest of the blue lasers I have here. These are low power unit which are likely in need of a tune up, diode replacement, and/or alignment to produce full power. All of these produce some blue, some less than 1mW, some more than 5mW, some have beams with scatter, some don't. These are probably only worth it to someone who wants to rebuild/tune them, or someone who wants a very nice housing to put in a diode/DPSS laser project.
I am only guaranteeing that they are 100% intact and have not been opened by myself, nor do they appear to have been opened.
These are $40 each + $14.70 Shipping to the US + PP fees. I will ship them over seas, but you pay the shipping and I will only ship insured, and I will declare it exactly as it is.
Lasers will be shipped in a Medium Flat Rate Priority Mail box packed tightly with bubble wrap around the head and power supply. No refunds will be given for performance, stability, power, beam profile, or functionality. I will refund your laser after you return it IF it was damaged, missing parts, etc... Return shipping is at the cost of the buyer only.
Other Stuff:
Laser diode/TEC driver $100
Not really sure of the specifics of this, but it looks like a custom job. It has 2 large transistors for the diode control and one for the temp control. The front has readouts and knobs to set the currents. Handle is cracked, but it looks like it could be epoxied together if you were careful.
Group 3 Digital Teslameter w/Probe $200 OBO
This is pretty cool to see the strength and location of magnetic fields. Not really sure what you would use it for, but I am sure there is some application. It shows 0-1.3T and 1300 Gauss
Sensor is in new condition, I literally removed it from the plastic case to take pictures.
Newport Digital Shutter Controller $100 OBO
I guess this would be good for holography people. It lets you set a specific time on a shutter and then control/trigger it using hand held button. Haven't tested it as I do not have a compatible shutter.
Melles Griot 05-LGR-151 HeNe 543nm laser w/ power supply $150OBO
Pretty simple, working Green HeNe with a clean output beam. Power supply runs on 115/230VAC
Melles Griot 05-LGR-173 HeNe 543nm Laser w/ power supply $220OBO
Slightly larger HeNe laser, works with clean output beam. Used this as an alignment laser for a while. Need the money, selling it now... Lab style power supply.
Photon Inc BeamScan 018D-XYGE/HP3 Beam Profiler with Card $300 OBO
Visible beam profiler for beams up to 3.4mm diameter. I guess you could use larger beams but only get the center profile. I have every reason to believe it works, but I cannot afford to take refunds, thus the cheap price.
Everything is plus shipping.