Anyone here that has succeded with a Quad setup?
Would be nice to see some pics and info about the beams etc.
Anyone here that has succeded with a Quad setup?
Would be nice to see some pics and info about the beams etc.
I think heroic's got one that someone has posted some pictures of. Have a look around...
A few of Heroic's pictures below... I will wait for her to post but here is a picture I stole from her gallery:
and spot size at 100m: Heroic Quote "At 100 metres, the spot is ~ 15cm across. The chaff around it is because I used cheap mirrors to fold that 100 metres into my house."
So good results, I am sure it will be better when the 445 cube is around...
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Laser (the acronym derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation) is a spectacular manifestation of this process. It is a source which emits a kind of light of unrivaled purity and intensity not found in any of the previously known sources of radiation. - Lasers & Non-Linear Optics, B.B. Laud.
fook me its like a torch!!
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
Actually the beam's pretty clean.
At 10 metres:
Note that the camera pics up a lot of chaff that's not really that visible for reals. The square spot in the middle is *unbearably* bright and I believe it is saturating the camera.
Having calibrated my meter for 445 I now find that I am getting > 6 watts.
They seem to be stable at that power, no evidence of mode hopping:
I do like a good experimental setup:
These things are freaking BRIGHT.
Yes, I have a couple of quads available. will post soon. just got back in town.
Pat B
laserman532 on ebay
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt & selling it in a garage sale.
6WATTS wow !!
Can you write PHOTONLEXICON.COM in the sky now ?
Btw, when you add 4 beams into one, it will only bi bigger and have more power(Watts) !
But can it travel at a longer distance ?
Awsome really awsome... 6waty
What lenses are you using