I recently bought an issue of Electronics World from December 1962 to see the article written in it about lasers. I just got it and wow, what a great article. There was even a very nice picture of my Hughes Model 200 ruby laser system. That's what I was hoping for!
But as I thumbed through it, I came across the following page announcing the very first commercial laser with a visible CW beam! It's the Perkin Elmer / Spectra-Physics Model 110. I have one of these in my collection, but it's missing its cylindrical covers and the power supply. This is also the model laser borrowed by Leith & Upatnieks to make their first holograms with laser light the very month of this publication. It was actually available starting in May of '62.
Only the head is visible in the picture of it here, but it included an in-line control with a start button and an RF control knob, and a power supply. John Eckstrand of SP, who's been there almost since that time, recently sent me a scanned copy of the owner's manual for it which showed the power supply. In all my searching, this is only the third picture of this laser I've found (the second being in the manual).