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Thread: SELEM - required equipment thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC

    Default SELEM - required equipment thread

    I hope I am not stepping in where I shouldn't be by posting this thread but I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread to discuss required/suggested equipment for SELEM. What I mean by that is what each person should be responsible for bringing. I know some of you have been to a lot of these so this is not required for you but I'm still a noob to it all.

    Here are some questions and suggestions.

    I know last year Adam had extra stuff and helped me and that was cool. But, I think that each person being somewhat self sufficient makes things easier/faster for setting up and getting the show on the road without a lot of confusion.

    Long ILDA cable?? First, since scaffolding will be used this year, that seems to infer that we might not be able to be sitting right next to our scanners like last year? So, will we need extra long ILDA cables? If so, how long? I might have to rig something up since I only have short ones.

    Flashlight. I was a sucker last year without a clue. This year I will have one.

    Extension cord. I thought ahead last year and brough my own.

    Audio cables for hooking into a mixing board? What connectors? How long?

    Ground isolation plugs?

    Tape. Heck yea. Lots of wires to tape down, things to mask off, etc.

    What else?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Thumbs up Thanks for reminding me!

    Damn good idea, Gary! We talked about this via e-mail, but it slipped my mind. Thanks for bringing the topic up though. This is information that everyone needs.

    Good start on the list. I second the idea of a small flashlight. It's all to easy to trip and fall in the auditorium with the lights out!

    As for ILDA cables, I suggest everyone bring enough cable to run 50 ft, and 75 ft would be better. (You can always connect a bunch of 25 footers together!)

    Audio cables: If you've got shows you want to play through the house sound system, please bring at least one 25 ft cable with RCA jacks on the end. More is always better. The other end needs to have whatever jack (probably 1/8th inch) you need to connect to your computer. Don't forget the double-female couplers! I always have a few spares of everything with me, but it's nice if people bring their own.

    Extension cord: Good call! But be sure you also bring a power strip so you can power your monitor, CPU, and projector. Maybe bring 2 cords, since your projector will probably be away from the CPU.

    We'll have tables and chairs, so no need to bring them unless you want to. We'll also have scaffold, but you can bring your own stand for your projector if you prefer.

    Definitely bring extras of all critical equipment: ILDA cable, power cords, etc. A few tools are always a good idea. We'll have a couple O-scopes already, so no need to get crazy with what you bring unless you want to. Label all your cables! It's hard to tell who owns what after 2 days of laser fun...

    Definitely bring your own alcohol, and be discrete about it. There is a package store nearby if you forget.

    Anyone else have some ideas? I'll try to add to my list after I've had time to think some more, but any input is welcome.


  3. #3
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    Lightbulb If you have any desire to be on the "network".

    A 50 to 100 foot network cable... any exrta routers, HUBs , and switchs wouldn't hurt.
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Orlando, Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by allthatwhichis View Post

    A 50 to 100 foot network cable... any exrta routers, HUBs , and switchs wouldn't hurt.
    Will there be a wireless network?

    Also Adam, due to the USB configuration of my projector, I'm limited on the distance I can setup from the computer. I played around with some wireless USB stuff, but it didn't work. Hopefully this won't be too much of a problem.

    I can't wait to see my new 445 in this venue with all the other projectors.

    Don't forget to bring things for the swap meet. That was one of my favorite parts of SELEM.


  5. #5
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    D'oh! I forgot about networking! Thanks for bringing that up.

    It would be a good idea for everyone to bring a long Ethernet cable with them. 25 ft minimum, and a 50 footer would probably be ideal. I have a 4-port router and an 8-port switch that I can bring, and if someone brings a wireless router we can have Wi-Fi in the auditorium as well.

    Spec had a huge switch that he used to bring - it had something like 128 ports on it - but I don't know if he'll be bringing that with him this time or not. If not, then we may want a few more switches or routers. (Assuming everyone wants to be connected to the Internet, that is.)

    Does anyone have a long length of Ethernet cable? (Like 200 ft?) We need a long length of cable to run from the office area (down the hall from the main lobby where the piano is) all the way into the auditorium. Anyone got a suitable piece laying around?

    Chris: is your sound card DAC mounted inside your projector, or do you have a length of ILDA cable between the projector and the DAC? If everything is internal to the projector case, then I guess we'll have to save you a seat very close to the front so you can be close to your projector. Also, without an ILDA port, you won't be able to connect to the ILDA splitter box that DZ is assembling.

    Re: Swap meet. Good point! If anyone has anything they'd like to sell or trade, bring it along! We'll have tables set up in the backstage areas (hallway and dressing rooms) so people can display their stuff. Also, if you're in the market for some stuff, bring extra cash!

    And like I said before: If you've got a few extras of anything (ILDA cables, power cords, adapters, etc), bring it along. You never know when someone sitting next to you might need something. We try to help each other out so that everyone gets their stuff up and running. Just be sure you label it so you can be sure you get it back; the load-out period is quite chaotic!


  6. #6
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    My projector has both. The sound card is inside the projector so I use USB to talk to it with my laptop, but I also installed a ILDA plug on the side so I can be part of the "BIG" show too.
    I used a rewired parallel port A B switch to select ILDA or USB. It works great.

    I have a 15' USB exterder cable so as long as I'm within 15' I'll be fine.


  7. #7
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    I have a 1000ft box of Cat 5e cable which should have atleast 500ft left on it. Along with wall jacks. If someone can get me close to accurate length needed I can build one. I also just scored a wireless B router for 5 bucks at Goodwill yesterday.

    Also I have a few 25ft ilda cables laying around

    I can also build longer ones.. if anyone really needs one (price negotiable)

    I need to remember to sign up.. LOL

  8. #8
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    Excellent! I'll get a measurement and get back to you asap.
    Would you mind bringing your wireless router too? That would be a big help!

    And yeah, be sure to sign up soon. At some point I'll have to send the shirt order off to be embroidered, and after that point people won't be able to get extra shirts. It would be better to sign up earlier rather than later.

    Chris: No problem - we'll put you close enough that you'll be within USB range.


  9. #9
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    Cool. Thanks. I can't wait.

  10. #10
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    "`Ground isolation plugs? "

    Speaking from past experience one does not want to "Ground lift" anything in the auditorium.

    I said bye, bye, to my Quadmod's color outputs from that experience...

    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

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