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Thread: I had a good time...

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Really? Aww, are you gonna need a kleenex? 'Cause I'm still here, and it's kudos from folks like you that make me wanna stay forever.. get it?

    Steve's right, I do have a TON of stress in my life right now, and it would appear that I occasionally feel the need to vent it on the web. I'd rather be done with that, so here's a thought: instead of pouring your $.02 here trying to keep this BS going, why don't you go post in a thread about lasers or something.. show us what kind of "Wizzerd" you are.. Admin and I spoke and I think it's time we let this thread die. How 'bout you Mr. Wizzard? Sound like a plan? 38 posts huh? Maybe make some of them count for something instead of poking your nose in here where it's not wanted or needed. And while you're at it DONATE.

    Now I got no problem moving on, in fact it's by far the best plan but if we're just gonna keep talking shit you all know I can hang with the best of 'em. What's it gonna be?

    I'm going to be taking a break from posting here so I can think about whether the few friends I've made here are worth all the BS from the rest of you, but you can rest assured if I see a bunch of pansies talking shit that break will be cut short. So far we've made it less than a day. Are we moving on are aren't we?
    Last edited by ElektroFreak; 08-03-2010 at 15:09.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    It appears that you misunderstood my private message. "As civil as their programming will allow" implies that the person is normally civil.

    I do not see a point in baiting and generating more arguments based on others statements and opinions.

    Lazer Wizardry is entitiled to his opinions just as much as you are.

    I can not stand for this escalation of force: Stand down. Take a step back. Relax. Take a deep breath.

    And invoking the janitor in your argument is functionally identical to rule 8.0.0... Don't do it.

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