Laserman532 Laser Kits have all shipped READ!
If you have ordered anything from has all shipped!
I am now a good way ahead of the curve, (stock of parts wise).
If you want Dual knife edge combiners, Quad Kits, Four Bangers or dual PBS cube is a good time to get your order in. Follow the links in each category of the 445 thread and follow pricing announced there. Please add 3% to all order totals to cover paypal. A verbal order is not an order to get in the line, a fully paid paypal receipt is considered an order.
All kits ordered this week and to the middle of next week will ship August 3, first come first serve
Now I am going back in the mountains for 5 days or so and meditate with the chipmonks.
Peace & tranquility
pat b
Pat B
laserman532 on ebay
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt & selling it in a garage sale.