Hi JayDC..
Yeah..Ive been noticing the same here...
Prices are indeed dropping on DPSS high powered lasers
...at least the ones from overseas....!!!
Just how much cheaper will they get is the question...
It seems like everyone and their brother and sister over there
is making lasers...
I wouldnt worry about the polarization for lasershow use...
It just means instead of 100:1 vert to horizotal power
It has its power 4:1 in verticals favor..
Most GOOD lasers have a linearly polarized beam ..
mostly all of its power is all contained in one polarization,,...
HeNe's and Argons up to 1000:1
Most diode lasers will have 100:1 or better...
cheaper DPSS are much lower..
Now...ones like the Coherent DPY-315 are 100:1
The higher that ratio is ..the better its use for holography
spectrography..interferometry...and countless other uses..
Which pretty much leaves anything else only good for lasershows
I hope that helped..
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*^_^* aka PhiloUHF