I know a lot of people have been waiting on this to become available since the N2 sold out, and now because a batch is in transit to be delivered this week I feel comfortable posting the order page now. An express mail option will be there soon.
Order Page Here
See DZ's Review Here
The FlexMod P3 Driver is a completely re-done design from the N2. Thanks to YOUR user feedback, many new capabilities and safety features are integrated into the new driver in an attempt to make it one of the best affordable DIY laser drivers available, with features typically found (and some not found) in professional drivers.
Some of the features include:
-Up to 24V power for large series diode arrays
-Up to 4A output for power diodes and parallel arrays
-Start delay (optional) and safety interlock
-Triple input protection
-Intrinsic current limit
-Output circuit protection
-Open/faulty diode circuit protection with automatic sub-microsecond clamp
-Hot-swap laser diode
-Fault/interlock indication LED
-Positive regulation
-Small 1.25"x0.87" (32x22mm) footprint
So, thank you for your patience, I think the wait will have been worth it, and hope you agree!