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Thread: Driving 445 with cni oem driver

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The Netherlands

    Default Driving 445 with cni oem driver

    Hey Guys

    Do any if u see any problems running a 445 of a oem cni driver with upped voltage to 7 volts on the driver input

    The drivers seems to be happy accepting the 7 volts and does not get any hotter then when at 5 volts

    max forward voltage on the output is now 6 volts so should be enouch to get max power out of the diode
    curent is set at 750 mA MAX for testing now idle current is set to 200 mA
    Do not look into laser with remaining eye
    Need laser repair contact me !!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    If you are reading this it means that this post used to contain some sort of helpful/educational information posted by me. I apologize for not being able to help here anymore. If you want someone to thank for turning me against the idea of lending my hand to this particular community, thank our member dsli_jon for demonstrating quite convincingly SEVERAL times just what a smug, superior and condescending bunch of douchebags some of the so-called "professional laserists" here can be to people who think or act differently than they do. You can gold plate a piece of shit by calling it "professional", but at the end of the day it's still just a piece of shit. It only takes one worthless individual to screw up the public image of a whole group, at least in my book. "Professional" my ass.

    To any and all new members who might someday read this: NEVER let dsli_jon or any of the so-called "professionals" here talk to you in any way that you find to be rude, smug, snobbish, condescending or disrespectful because people like dsli_jon don't know how to speak any other way. The concept of "respecting others and their opinions/viewpoints" is entirely lost on him and people like him. All that matters is that they somehow have an opportunity to display their superiority complexes for all the world to see.

    The really sad part of all this: Who knows how many worthwhile future contributors and quality individuals have been run out of here by some of the absolutely ridiculous, "high-school-esque" bad attitudes that many members here like Jon have given people who might ask n00bish questions or who might bring up topics that they feel shouldn't be discussed here. To me it's very sad that people as absolutely worthless as Jon and his supporters have any sort of influence here. If you're a new member who is not prepared to bend over and take whatever these people give you, you'd better just leave now because they have zero tolerance for "thinking outside their box".
    Last edited by ElektroFreak; 08-23-2010 at 17:14.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Cairns, Australia


    I have the same problem running these diodes just below lasing threshold, they are still fairly visible when not lasing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Well you have 2 options. run them with no idle current and loose linearity, or run them just below threshold and use a shutter..
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The Netherlands


    atleast i can confirm that the 445 diodes run just fine on the cni oem driver
    first test on 800 mA with a unknown lens (probably aixiz glass lens)
    is 725 mw
    Do not look into laser with remaining eye
    Need laser repair contact me !!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Wilson, Wisconsin

    Question How Low can you go?

    Hi Guy's I want to rebuild my cheap China projector with the 445nm diode and thought around 200mw's would be nice to work with. Can these diodes be tuned down to 200mw's for a good small club production? Also who will this mix with red and green diodes? Thanks John H

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by santanas View Post
    Hi Guy's I want to rebuild my cheap China projector with the 445nm diode and thought around 200mw's would be nice to work with. Can these diodes be tuned down to 200mw's for a good small club production? Also who will this mix with red and green diodes? Thanks John H
    Some of mine have been known to produce as low as 35mw at the low end. 200mw is definitely a safe number.

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