Buffo is the most clear-headed individual I know. I can safely say that this forum would be lost without his presence here. Thank you Adam.
Buffo is the most clear-headed individual I know. I can safely say that this forum would be lost without his presence here. Thank you Adam.
Last edited by ElektroFreak; 08-10-2010 at 18:28.
I don't think anyone is out to "screw with you", I just know I am tired of reading you personal commentary when mean spirited in all the threads. If you look back atleast to the recent events of the past weeks, you seem the aggressor and to be starting the downward spiral. I have not scene you attacked directly in any way "FIRST" please inform me with links if I am not correct.
You obviously know a lot about Lasers and your positive input I'm sure would be an asset. The Soundcard Dac tutorial you wrote was very nice. I just wish we could see more of this type stuff instead of what appears to be a paranoid everyone is out to get me type response.
leading in trailing technology
Mate, do yourself a favour and stop digging. It doesn't do you any favours.
I never "insisted" you start a thread. You came up with that all on your own. I simply asked you to stop spreading your drama into an unrelated thread. Evidently you can't seem to understand the difference between those two positions.
John doesn't have a "clique", and he certainly isn't "making you out to be a shitty individual". You are doing that all by yourself. John hasn't even mentioned your name in the past few days. This is all your doing.
The simply fact is that you are taking yourself *way* too seriously, and we're tired of it. If you can't act appropriately, you can expect further criticism from the members here. Such criticism is entirely justified when someone of your age and wisdom starts acting like a child. Grow up already.
I am not too sure what the hell is going on. And to be quite honest, i always thought (and still do) that you were a great asset here. you have great knowledge and in my opinion, always seemed to add knowledge and educational aspects here.
I don't know about this stupid ass "Jersey housewives" bull shit that is going on between you and john and whomever else. but are you *ALL* serious??? come on guys....i am *NOT* saying any of you are more wrong than the other or any of you are more right than the other, but why is it that when we sit in front of our keyboards we all turn into hot head tough guys?? lets pretend this is 3rd grade...
jon, ignore pat. pat, ignore jon. Pretty simple in my eyes. There is a nice little "ignore" option built into this forum. USE IT!!!
No matter how much one of you tries to "1 up" the other with the tougher typed come back or whatever, the more it just makes you look foolish.
guys, this is a freaking technology, laser forum. how is it that we are talking in a thread about "who hates me and wants me to go bye bye?" lol. Pat, its very simple. you disagreed with steve, disagreed with jon. they both may or may not have gotten all high and mighty. words (mind you, super tough typed words on a computer screen) were exchanged and now its at this point. lol, are ya kidding? its over, done, finished. lets all move on.
i enjoy reading your different points of views and i can assure you, jon in no way feels superior to you (or anyone for that matter). Its hard to judge peoples intentions, tones, ideologies (sp?) on a freaking computer. Hell, in the real world, there are tons of mis communications and misunderstandings and mis read tones. its 100 fold in a computer.
So, at this point how about this...
Lets all check our tough guy atitudes at the door. you dont like jon, he doesnt like you (its a shame cuz you both in real life would probably sit at a bar for hours and have a blast!!) ignore each other and move on.
Pat- my vote is for you to stay! i think youre a great asset here. youve been a pain in the ass lately, but whatever, shit happens.put it behind you and lets move the fu*k on!!!!
can we all kiss and make up??
ILDA- U.S. Laser Regulatory Committee
Authorized Dealer for:
- Pangolin Laser Software and Hardware
- KVANT Laser Modules & Laser Systems
- X-Laser USA
- CNI Lasers
- Cambridge Technology & Eye Magic Professional Scanning Systems
FDA/CDRH Certified Professional LuminanceRGB Laser Light Show Systems
I know, John. I just get you (John), and Doc (John) confused with Jon (no h) from the west coast. I'm bad with names, and even worse with spelling. It's a bad habit, I know, but I'm working on it.(Remember: I'm also the guy that thought Bill Benner's last name was "Brenner" for about a year and a half. There's still plenty of old posts of mine floating around here on PL from back in 2006 that demonstrate that error all too well. oops!)
Regardless of your past issues, either with Jon, or Pat, or anyone else, you surely must understand that intentionally acting inappropriately is only going to alienate you further from everyone, not just the one's you had a problem with... It's a self-fulfilling prophesy, in a way: You act out, and in so doing you validate every evil claim anyone has ever made against you, regardless of it's prior validity. Can't you see that?
If you were being honest when you said that you would "love to continue contributing to intelligent discourse", then do it. Stop all this petty bullshit and start contributing again. In short order people will be able to tell who is really serious about talking about lasers, helping new people, and advancing the quality of the discussions here. Likewise, they'll also be able to tell who is just blasting bullshit simply to hear themselves talk.
I just don't understand this self-destructive rant you've undertaken. You are only harming yourself, unless you goal really is to pollute the communications channel with noise. (And if that's your goal, then you're just being selfish and mean, and I cannot respect you for that.)
I could not have said it better. I can only imagine that something behind the scenes is going on that we don't know about and it's probably none of our business to know about.I just don't understand this self-destructive rant you've undertaken. You are only harming yourself, unless you goal really is to pollute the communications channel with noise. (And if that's your goal, then you're just being selfish and mean, and I cannot respect you for that.)
EF, if you're still around to read this, I just wish that you could maybe take a break for a week or two, or however long it takes, and return. The sad part here is, I think EF has been a great contributor to this site and it's disturbing to see this meltdown.
Best of luck.
One step closer to becoming a ballooning forum.....
plenty of hot air
And that's why I have such high regard for you Adam. That is the second time I can remember that with one post you've lifted a veil from my eyes so to speak, and I am never above admitting an error if I realize I've made one. It's just that a bunch of crap and altercations happened within a very short time window and from several different individuals. I can get very angry and it influences how I think and if I think clearly. I can be a huge "internet tough guy" I know, so I can't deny acting inappropriately lately. I just temporarily stopped caring, but you have a way of wording things so that it gets my attention even when I'm not thinking clearly and even when I don't really want to hear it. Especially important is where you said that I was being selfish. It is wrong of me to put people that aren't involved in this through the process of hearing all about it.
Marc, you are also correct, and I can appreciate the way you put things into perspective. Thank you.
My error as I see it is precisely what you both posted, coupled with the fact that I try very hard to not take the internet too seriously but man have I been pissed about this. In a way when I think about it that plays into the hands of those who would like to see me gone, and I'd hate for that to happen. Staying and doing my best to contribute would be the ideal way to combat their desires. And I can't deny what Norty says.. there is a LOT of hot air on the internet as I know only too well. How many of the incidents that I'm so pissed about were only hot air I don't know, but probably many.
DZ your idea of an extended vacation is a good one. I think I'll do just that.. I'm also going to edit my recent posts to help get rid of some of the animosity and encourage moving on. Those of you who would take issue with that (if anyone) should write your congressman. Also, I am putting Jon on ignore, along with several others. An elegantly simple solution, for sure. Much simpler and requires much less effort than campaigning and railing against everyone who has ever said anything sideways to me here on PL.
Later folks, have a good few weeks. Also, and MOST importantly I apologize to all who have been so good to me, whom I made listen to my rants. None of it involved you and I'm sorry you had to listen to my dark side.
Last edited by ElektroFreak; 08-10-2010 at 19:21.