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Thread: Future Pricing of 445's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Anaheim, CA

    Laser Warning Future Pricing of 445's

    I've seen some people discuss that the price of the 445nm lasers will go back up in price because Casio is no longer going to manufacture the projector with the laser diodes. It would seem that the supply would be low, and cause the prices to go back up, but I find that hard to believe since technology prices usually go down overtime. I think the cat is already out of the bag. I'm also curious to find out how many of these projectors were made. Anyone have a clue? Do you think these are going to drive the price of 473's down too because the demand may go down as a result? I know no one really knows what exactly is going to happen, but just curious to hear your thoughts.
    - instinct

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    London UK


    Casio is no longer going to manufacture the projector with the laser diodes

    Have you got a link to this information?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    that rumor started the day the casios came out... I guarantee you they are not going anywhere any time soon

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I agree, Casio would be mad to stop production.

    With the diode manufacturer not selling diodes directly, this must be Casio's best ever selling projector!!!

    Remember its not just hobbyists, I reckon before too long some of the smaller laser manufacturing companies will start harvesting to enable them to build cheap 445 off the shelf modules, if they haven't already. I'm just suprised we haven't seen a flood of certain laser globe or similary named units.

    If i was the Casio MD, I'd be making available spare blue light units at a handsome (from Casio's POV) price and then ramping production. Potentially they could make more profit per spare unit than per projector due to less components, and still have the units cheaper than a whole projector and have less wastage. Winners all round!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Anaheim, CA


    I really don't have any solid sources, just what Bill wrote in this thread:

    - I am honestly not sure that the cheap blue sources are here, at least not for long. Sure, the cheap blue sources are here for some people, and for some length of time. But for me, the question is -- for what people and for what length of time?

    Of course we've heard that people are harvesting 445nM blue diodes from Casio projectors. But, unless you're on the inside track, you might not have heard that Casio has pulled these from the shelves, and their lawyers are prepared to send out a letter, warning people not to remove them under the threat of legal action. Sure, for hobbyists, I doubt Casio will be knocking on your door, but for anyone actively selling these diodes, or products (for example laser pointers) in large volume, I think there could be trouble here...

    Also, what I have heard is that Casio is happy with the results of the projector -- I mean happy with the blue source, and happy that the process of blue creating a green source works, but for the future they will come out with a projector that has a different kind of blue laser -- a kind of "diode bar" that will not be useful for lightshow applications.
    I have no idea whether this is true or not.. but I wouldn't be surprised either way.
    - instinct

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Has Casio pulled them from shelves? Quite the opposite I would say!
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    Regardless of what happens to the Casio projector, I think that these diodes are just the beginning. I expect that better diodes will follow. They might not be as cheap if they aren't mass produced but I do feel good knowing that someone somewhere is probably working on an idea for a better version that will eventually trickle down to our level. It's just a matter of time. For now, buy of few spares of the Casio 445nm diodes... they might not be around too long. But don't be a fool and invest in them for some fancy laser design unless your time to market is immediate.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    like I said, a few days after this all started it was claimed that they were being pulled from the shelves blah blah, recalled etc... trust me Casio just wants to sell projectors, if you want to rip it apart thats one less warranty they have to worry about...

    I can still order these (and do, but for their intended purpose) from any of my suppliers

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Somerset, KY

    Default Well Stated!

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    Regardless of what happens to the Casio projector, I think that these diodes are just the beginning. I expect that better diodes will follow. They might not be as cheap if they aren't mass produced but I do feel good knowing that someone somewhere is probably working on an idea for a better version that will eventually trickle down to our level. It's just a matter of time. For now, buy of few spares of the Casio 445nm diodes... they might not be around too long. But don't be a fool and invest in them for some fancy laser design unless your time to market is immediate.
    I think this sums it up perfectly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Thumbs up Gary nailed it...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    For now, buy of few spares of the Casio 445nm diodes... But don't be a fool and invest in them for some fancy laser design unless your time to market is immediate.
    Outstanding advice.

    Within a year (and probably a lot sooner than that) I'm certain that we will see several commercial laser modules based on these diodes. (We're already starting to see some on E-bay, though none from any of the big manufacturers - yet.) So even if you're not a do-it-yourself wiz, you'll soon have an affordable off-the-shelf solution available to you.

    And yeah - longer term we may very well see newer diodes with better beam specs, making it foolish to hoard a bunch of these diodes now. (Unless you have a specific use in mind for them already.)


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