So this looks like the place for introductions ... give me the clue-by-four (yes I have been lurking around the forums for a while, I am going to start using that phrase BTW, brilliant!) if I'm posting in the wrong place ...
My name is Josh, I work with yadda over at photondream, mainly I spend most of my time pissing and moaning about compiler errors and "how much easier it was to do this string manipulation in php"... although that's quieted down as of lately ... heh ... maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm out of the country and not in whining range anymore (p.s. if they ever come out with a "whine" plugin for AIM I'm never coming home)
In "real life" I am a self-employed programmer, mostly web page/back end stuff in php/flash/mysql/etc... I also do Japanese translation, and I'm working on a project to convert unwanted laptops into "art" digital picture frames.
I built my first "spinny mirror"-type toy laser show in '97, got my first scanning system (catweazle/laserillusions/10 mw hene) in '98, hooked up with yadda in '99 and the rest is history I guess ... now all we have to do is make some of our own
well, looking forward to being a part of the forums - good night all -