I am doing lighting for a band called DiamondBack if anyone has a .ild snake animation they would like to share that would be cool , if not no worries
thanks !
I am doing lighting for a band called DiamondBack if anyone has a .ild snake animation they would like to share that would be cool , if not no worries
thanks !
If you own Pangolin Software then there's an animated snake strike graphic in there. Perfect for what you're doing.
It is copyright though so unfortunately no-one can supply you with it seperately.
Beg, borrow, don't steal (!) some Pango software and you should have a copy.
Here's a preview (I added the Pango logo to stop anyone from tracing it, it normally isn't there):
I do not have Pangolin at this time, still just a hobbyist for the most part..
Saving up for it.
If you could get a hold of a non copyright snake .bmp then maybe someone would trace it into an ild for you.
If you're lucky, they might even try to animate it.
Do an advanced search on Google images for 'snake', select search for line drawings only.
I did just that and this is the first page that turned up... Hundreds of line drawings of snakes
Then you just need a simple trace program to convert the images to ILDA (or whatever you're using).
It's worth everyone noting about Googles line drawing advanced search feature. I realise that not all images are copyright free, but hey, if i solves an immediate problem...
Hope this helps.
Quote: "There is a theory which states that if ever, for any reason, anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.”... Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001
How about the actual game projected with our lasers?
search for animated gifs, open them with the gimp, save each frame individually and you've got an animated ilda frame easy
wow thanks guys.
"the gimp" is an open source software for picture edition, equivalent to paint shop pro or photoshop but different, which is really complete and professional