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Thread: Selem 2010

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Atlanta Georgia

    Smile Selem 2010

    Just wanted to say thanks to,
    300 Evil,
    Dr Lave,
    Gary from Spaghetti,
    And thanks to everyone for helping me so much.
    and thanks to 300Evil for inviting me.
    Me and my wife Tammy Renee had a great time.
    On the way home Tammy said.
    I do't think i have ever met a group of guys that smart, that are as nice as everyone we met was.
    she thought it was gonna be boring, but she told pangolin, when he asked her,
    how do you like it so far.
    She told him, "it's not as bad as i thought it was gonna be be".LoL
    She actually enjoyed it, and has been discusing some fresh ideas that i haden't thought of about adding lasers to our band show.
    So you can take your wife, or girlfriend, they may even enjoy it.
    It is a great learning experience and all the food you can eat for free.
    if you missed it please make plans to go next year, you will not be sorry it will be a great experience.
    And the laser show was just beyond words.
    once again thanks so much everyone and "God bless".
    God Bless.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Atlanta Georgia

    Default my apologies

    i said ilda-jon in my post but i meant to say Dsli_jon my bad thanks and God bless.
    God Bless.

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