Many moons ago when the web still had a fresh taste, a few smart and creative guys got together and worked out a winamp plugin called AVS (Advanced Visualization Studio). A modification of this was worked out for use with lasers, and a few years later the general AVS plugin was released in open source for all to tinker with. cfavreau and I have done some tinkering and plan to release an open source Laser-AVS when it is ready, right now it is compatible with RIYA Dacs.
There are many excellent non-laser AVS presets generated by brilliant minds. Some of these presets can and have been converted for use with lasers. As a 'thank you' to those who conceived of and were originally involved in making the concept of avs for laser happen, here are a few cool avs presets that I have converted from non laser visualizations into something that can be scanned with decent frame rate.
My personal favorites in this set are silk strings, singularity, and totem but there are a lot of good ones still out there waiting to be converted for laser use. The original author credits have been maintained in the preset under the 'comment' section.
Download L-AVS presets