Looking for a nice set of bounce mirrors, would like mirrors, and mounts. They can be used, and they must be at a reasonable price.
Looking for a nice set of bounce mirrors, would like mirrors, and mounts. They can be used, and they must be at a reasonable price.
I own "ready to use" large sets for reflexion diffraction gratings.
They are very light & handmade by unit, though large dimensions (150mm x 150mm !): useful when targeting them at 20 or 30 meters !).
Each set consists in :
- wood black plate : lay 0
- mirror (2 or 3mm thick in glass) : lay 1
- grating (several patterns in polymer) : lay 2
- protection window (3mm glass) : lay 3
- special mechanical bonds (to "stick" the 3 optics layers 1 to 3)
- aluminium arm (U structure with hole for yoke in the center, and screw for adjusting orientation of the set).
These gratings reflexion sets can be either hang (just need a yoke) or just layed on a high floor, on the ground, on a shielve (thanks to autostanding structure arm)...
If anyone interested, you can pm me ! []
I might be able to help you out... my friend has 30 or so for sale... ... they are VERY nice, adj x/y 8" and mounting bracket... I just got off phone with him... he said $70 each.. and if you want throw in extra 20 for these super clamps that will attach to anything! I'll get you a picture of some of mine I got from him. You can e-mail him @ introspectivell@hotmail.com his name is Tom
Last edited by jsalopeck; 04-23-2007 at 05:26. Reason: got price
97% enh-al for 2.00usd ea (just the mirrors-no mounts)
Steve-o, the mirrors you linked to are not bounce mirrors, strictly speaking. Bounce mirrors are normally 6 inches wide (or larger) and are designed to be mounted away from the projector (above the audience, for example) and then targeted by the projector.
The mirrors you linked to would work well inside of a projector because of their small size, but they would be extremely difficult to target if mounted out in the audience away from the projector. (Too small to target accurately.)
Still, for someone looking for a cheap set of mirrors to mount inside their projector, that site has some pretty good prices.
Oops -wrong kind of mirror. ok.
How 'bout this then (kinda pricey tho) 120usd ea
those look similar to the ones my friend is selling like i posted above. he has about 30 to sell
$70s better than $120 ea
Those are nice mirrors! The price is a little high, but they do come with both the mirror and the mount. Eh - if I was in a pinch I'd probably go that route.
Still, the one's that Tom is selling are bound to be cheaper. Tom, from introspective lasers, used to be located here in Charleston before he moved. I looked at a bunch of his gear about a year ago, but didn't buy anything back then. I know George (DreamBeamz) has purchased some of his stuff, and I think he's been pretty happy with it all.