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Thread: Feeler: Mini GB on scanner cases

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Dallas, Tx

    Default Feeler: Mini GB on scanner cases

    Hello All,

    After talking to several people at SELEM it seems there may be an interest for a GB on scanner cases to house RGB projectors. Also with the prices of blue and red dropping, the affordability of a scanner has dropped significantly.

    I am looking to do all the machining myself with a custom design. The design is not finished yet but I have an idea of what I want.

    I expect to get a design finalized in the next couple weeks and go into production in around 2 months. I'm quite busy with school so I want to make sure I'm not rushing on these.

    I will also take input from the people in the GB so that everyone should be able to get whatever they want out of the case. I can't make each one custom for everybody but they shouldn't need to be.

    The basic design will be a center base plate (I'm thinking 3/8" or 1/2") with all optics mounted on top. I will also build plates to mount each laser on that will sit on 1/4-20 threaded rod so you can adjust the height of each laser. Then four thick supports on the corners to hold all the sheet metal covers. The power supplies will all be mounted on the bottom side of the base plate so you can seal the optical deck and have fans on the bottom side only. This design should allow you to easily set up and build your scanner. If you need to make adjustments or upgrades all you have to do is remove the sheet metal covers. You will then have access from all sides to everything.

    To get this going I would like to see at least 6 people with a LEGITIMATE interest. If you are iffy on wanting one please don't say you are for sure on getting one. But if you are really looking to purchase one, please state so. I will be building 5 extras on top of the group buy so I can have a stock to sell over the next year or so.

    The price cant be set till I get a design finished and I know how much work is involved. However I'm shooting for $200-$250 .

    Thanks all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Grand Rapids, Mi


    I would be in for one unless it goes well above $250.

    leading in trailing technology

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    whats the planned size of the enclosure?

    if you can keep them in that target price range (and not planning on collecting payments for a bit lol) I would be interested in 2 to 6, again, depending on price

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I am interested but would like to see your design first.

    This space for rent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Dallas, Tx


    Quote Originally Posted by flecom View Post
    whats the planned size of the enclosure?

    if you can keep them in that target price range (and not planning on collecting payments for a bit lol) I would be interested in 2 to 6, again, depending on price
    A rough guess on the size would be 8" tall and 10" x 14" . I'm designing it for using single modules for each laser so they should accommodate standard oem modules by CNI or Laserwave. Or any homemade modules or kits ( like the Dr. Lava Kit).

    I want to be compact but not so compact that setup and installation is a pain in the ass.

    And about the price range, I dont expect to go above 250. I would like to do them as cheap as possible but not if it requires cutting corners.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    London or Spain depending on the weather


    If it can have two big ultra quiet fans in the base/lid with exhaust vents out the front near the output window for haze/fog then I may well be interested although shipping to EU might be a hangup!

    The devil will be in the details!

    Last edited by catalanjo; 08-30-2010 at 18:34. Reason: upside down considerations.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Grand Rapids, Mi


    personally I'd like to to 16" in length but could live with 14". Also will the center baseplate be adjustable or fixed dead center?


    leading in trailing technology

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Interested as well, but would like to see your design before I commit.

    "Information not shared, is information lost forever"

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Whanganui New Zealand


    Good idea. Keen as.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Dallas, Tx

    Default Rough Sketch

    I have done a rough sketch to convey what I'm looking at building. Keep in my I am not a good artist and nothing is done to scale at all. Its just putting my idea on paper.

    The baseplate should be fine at 3/8" and will have cutouts on all four corners to mount the angle supports flush against. The angle supports will be 1/4" thick and 2" wide.

    There will be included a base plate, 4 angle supports. 3 riser plates for the lasers and a riser plate to mount the galvos on. The height will be adjustable with nuts on 1/4-20 threaded rod so you can get all the beams parallel before the galvos. then there will be covers for the top, bottom, sides, and front and back. All the screws on the outside will be countersunk to be mounted flush. One of the side covers will have holes for the basic connectors to go. All the outside panels will be power coated matte black.

    I may looking buying some stuff like power plugs and fuse holders that will fit into the side panel. I also may talk to Laserman532 about including a set of his adjustable mirror mounts to mount dichros and mirrors at a discounted price if anyone is interested.

    Flecom, if you want to buy multiple cases I could offer you a discount.

    International buyers, I hadn't intended on selling this across the seas due to shipping costs but if you are really interested I could offer a small discount to help ease the high shipping costs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Projector Sketch 001.jpg  

    Last edited by MisterWilling; 09-01-2010 at 17:13.

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