There is a Laser Technologist position at Sandia National Labs in Livermore, CA.
It is posting # 635771. Search here:
There is a Laser Technologist position at Sandia National Labs in Livermore, CA.
It is posting # 635771. Search here:
Have a good day!
Sandia... that'd be a pretty sweet gig no doubt. Thanks for posting!
It's not that bad. I think the job posting mentions getting a security clearance, which is a bunch of paperwork. However, the facility where the job is has no classified, and is eventually moving to an "open campus" even more loose than at present, which is quite loose compared to the areas that work on Sandia's core mission--nuclear weapons. Thus it is likely that the security clearance requirement may be dropped in the future. At this time, CRF workers get "low level" security clearances, which are less onerous than the top secret ones that weapons workers get.
There are random drug tests for 1/3 of the workforce once per year. But they don't watch you pee.
Not much different from work at any major techy corp.
On the plus side, the job is in a department of about eight multi-million $$$ optical engine laboratories, each with multiple lasers such as high power pulsed YAGs, OPOs, and at least one with a 100W 532nm DPSS Nd:YVO4.
Have a good day!