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Thread: Ilda laser projector load balancing? anyone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Ilda laser projector load balancing? anyone?

    Hey i just got a funny idea and it seems quite possible.
    How about a piece of software that could splice an ilda in 2 so you have half an ilda.
    which you could output to 2 laser projector. thus decreasing point per projector.
    and allowing more complex graphics.

    A nice setting would be that you can input the KPPS of both projectors and the software will sepperate acording to the scanning speed.
    *giving the best scanner the most*

    either it can be spliced in 2 parts by the software or at the blanking parts like shapes *if the other option isn't possible*
    like 2 boxes and the 1 box for the first projector and the other for the other laser projector.
    however splicing might be better since sometimes you have one big shape.

    aligning can be done with 2 half circkles on both projector * one in a D shape and the other one flipped* once you get a nice round cirkle that means they are aligned perfectly
    Last edited by masterpj; 08-31-2010 at 05:58.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Omaha, NE


    I did this recently with 3 projectors instead of 2. I posted a few video links, but nobody had any feedback. It was more of an experiment than anything, but the intent was beam effects, not graphics- so those are 2 completely different animals. I was concentrating on splitting off objects that spill outside the frame, while you are looking at splitting one frame.
    What I found was this:
    IMHO Unless you have two absolute clone projectors (which I basically have) and perfect alignment, getting a contiguous line without a visible glitch would be quite difficult, although technically possible. You would be better off to take a given frame and break it into a series of lines, then split the line/polyline list up and send half to each projector. The reason is this- you would want to avoid chopping visible lines in half.
    Drawing multiple objects from different projectors would be a piece of cake though-
    Imagine the game asteroids- Say there should be 10 asteroids on the screen. One projector draws 5, the other draws 5. No flicker, great! The only time this would not work would be when your frame consists of one giant line- in which case you would have no choice but to find a nice halfway point and chop it in half.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Nice, and yeah as i thought the splitting is harder than would be expected.
    so it would be nice if there's a software which can split up different objects in ilda frames and gives the biggest part to the fastest scanner.
    doing it manually is off course an option.
    but it could also be done automatically ;3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    its not only possible, its been done... pangolin lets you send different tracks to different projectors so you could have one projector drawing a background while another draws something else at the same time etc

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    woa that's awsome.
    To bad Pangolin is a bit too expensive for me >.> i use easylace.
    would be awsome if anything like it exists

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    maybe ask the Spaghetti guy? his software is already track based so it would just need to support multiple outputs and routing to said outputs... not an easy task but should be possible at least

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Cleveland, Ohio


    Spaghetti and Pango and LDS, etc. can do multi track to multi projectors, this is nothing new but what he is talking about is a bit different - for complex graphics display 1 frame split between 2 projectors.

    I posted about this in particular at the start of 2009

    Mike, I know we have discussed this technique, but I must have missed your video links. Which thread?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    hmm yeah i should..
    sorry for asking.. but who exactly is the spaghetti guy?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Omaha, NE


    Quote Originally Posted by drlava View Post
    Mike, I know we have discussed this technique, but I must have missed your video links. Which thread?
    Hey Andrew, I mentioned it in the "Paper or Plastic?" grocery store scanner thread a few weeks ago. I have the vids removed from my youtube channel at the moment since the project took yet another turn, but I am planning on replacing the vids soon with some updated versions that match the latest incarnation of the project. I can put the one back up though and send you a link to it when I get home from work. I'd like to capture a less blurry vid with more clarity so the technical details of what's happening are not lost due to bad cinematography

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    yes please ^^
    a video would be nice

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