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Thread: Laserworld output power

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Smile Laserworld output power


    I bought 2 Laserworld ES-100g , it was in January , thier price was around 250€ piece.
    They should give 100mg green, 10k scan, no ilda input only dmx.

    I have decided to go for dmx, since I did not need to make pictures on wall, I was happy with built in patterns.

    I am Dj, so I am not really into lasers, I just bought this lasers to use them in gigs at school in smaller rooms , they looked so nice.

    However , one of lasers output power lowered like twicely and its not that bright like it was before. I contacted seller ,but he replied that I should contact laserworld directly because he is not reponsible for it etc. I contacted laserworld , they told me that it was cause by bad using and I can send them laser back and they will repair ti for me for like 150eur+shiping fees... (lol thats actual price of this laser)....

    So after that I decided to do some research on google to find out if I can repair it by myself. And i found out this forum.

    So i am thinking that laser case and galvos are still pretty good too, so I wanna ask if it is possible to remove old failing green laser diode and replace it with new one or better with new red diode , that I would buy off ebay or some pretty trusted page that sells high quality lasers. Since I am not very into building lasers etc. (Never done this) so I wanna ask if its hard ( maybe I can achieve it with litle help from you).

    And also another question if you know any supplier of good quality laser diods, but they should not costs too much. I was looking into kvant , becuase I live in same country. But they costs pretty much for me.

    And last question , becuase I heard of analog modulation and TTL modulation. How do I know which one is built in my laser? and I think that I should go for analog modulated diodes , because I can use them in rgb projector later if I try to build or uprage it later.

    Sorry for my nubish questions but its really hard to find some guides on forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Connecticut, USA


    Another one bites the dust.

    Laserworld, how in gods name are these schmucks STILL in business???


    Sorry for your troubles, but it seems you are suffering the same fate that 90% of the rest of laserworlds customers suffer from. its called the, "I bought shitty equipment" syndrome and one of its most immediate symptoms is called, "its ALWAYS the customers fault."


    how long have you owned these units? If i were you, i would just return them. return them to the seller. period. Wash your hands of these laserworld units as soon as possible. if its under a year, but more than 30 days or so, you may be shit outta luck. Laserworld is not going to fix your units under warranty. They will NO MATTER WHAT blame you or the weather or the gods or anything they possibly can, before fixing their piece of crap systems.

    yes, you can replace the old failed green with a new one. not a problem. DO NOT buy a laser off of ebay unless its from a reputable seller. Im not sure where your from, but myself (ct. lasers), (dave on this forum) or Stanwax (on this forum) or Pelosh on this forum are all reputable laser companies. Let us know where you are from and someone will help you out.

    Analog and ttl is how the laser is modulated. basically, TTL= laser is either OFF or it is ON full power. No in between. does your laser have the capability of being "faded?" if it can be faded, than it is analog.

    Analog means the laser can start at ZERO (0 volts input) and gradually brighten to full output (5 Volts input) in relation to its input modulation signal.

    dont apologize for asking questions here. we're easy to deal with!


    ILDA- U.S. Laser Regulatory Committee

    Authorized Dealer for:

    • Pangolin Laser Software and Hardware
    • KVANT Laser Modules & Laser Systems
    • X-Laser USA
    • CNI Lasers
    • Cambridge Technology & Eye Magic Professional Scanning Systems

    FDA/CDRH Certified Professional LuminanceRGB Laser Light Show Systems

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    London or Spain depending on the weather


    Quote Originally Posted by djborec View Post
    Sorry for my nubish questions but its really hard to find some guides on forum.
    Not that hard, you bumped into one (Marc) on your first post!

    Luckily for you the laser bit of the thing you bought, isn't the expensive bit (that's the BOX),
    which is really quite reasonable.

    My advice is to buy an Olike 445nm kit module + driver from (also TTL) from fleabay stick it in the box instead of the green and wear sun glasses to watch it project onto a wall the first time.

    Analogue would be better in the long run, but your DMX into the LW projector would probably not know how to tell it what to do.

    You have a steep learning curve ahead if you want to go RGB, and maybe better to fix the problem first, (with interesting results), then learn a lot more before buying more stuff.

    It is difficult to DJ and fiddle with laser stuff at the same time.

    What you bought was CHEAP, what you got was CHEAP, AND didn't require thinking about.

    With what I suggest above, you need to think a little bit (safety stuff), do a little bit, (take out green put blue in) and you won't have to babysit the results at all. (except for safety).

    The "input adjustor" (bent bit of aluminium) is quite easy to bend or shim to get the height right, the beam will be big enough to spill over both sides of the scanner mirror (easy allignment).

    You will also find it dead easy to sell on.

    With all the losses in the original setup, you will still be getting three times the power you had before , and the colour will be right in "fashion".

    Last edited by catalanjo; 09-02-2010 at 14:59. Reason: cat trod on kboard

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    where are you located djborec?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    London or Spain depending on the weather


    Quote Originally Posted by flecom View Post
    where are you located djborec?

    Same place as Kvant !


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Greenville, NC


    Dont feel bad.. I had a RS 500 RGB laserworld, that died on me...Thats when I build my own!!
    And if your looking for awesome lasers, Laserwave is the way to go! Gotaluvlasers is your man!! I bought all the lasers in mine from him and they rock!!!!

    DJ Matt
    Arc Flash the wonderbolt

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by djborec View Post

    So i am thinking that laser case and galvos are still pretty good too, so I wanna ask if it is possible to remove old failing green laser diode and replace it with new one or better with new red diode , that I would buy off ebay or some pretty trusted page that sells high quality lasers. Since I am not very into building lasers etc. (Never done this) so I wanna ask if its hard ( maybe I can achieve it with litle help from you).
    Are they galvos or steppers? I would have thought stepper motors more likely at that speed and price point.

    Steppers are poor quality and more prone to failure so best replaced if using the lasers commercially. If they are galvos they should be fine.

    The cases should be OK provided your new lasers will fit.

    Kvant could sell you some new lasers to put inside but in fairness if you're looking to keep costs down, Kvant are a little more expensive than others but top quality. You're getting what you pay for.

    Laserwave lasers are excellent quality as well and a bit cheaper if you're on a tight budget. As Marc said, Marc himself, Dave, Stanwax (Rob) are all Laserwave dealers. Bridge who works for Laserwave regularly visits the forum as does Pelosh from Kvant, so you have direct contact to the suppliers / manufacturers on here and both Laserwave and Kvant give excellent back up.

    I would think Stanwax (Rob) in the UK is probably nearest to you for Laserwave and being EU based you won't have import tax. (Not trying to recommend Rob over anyone else here, just trying to avoid import tax for the original poster as Slovakia's in the EU). You already know where Kvant is.

    Is there particular reason you want red - its less visible than green by a long way for any given power. Anyway, if you want red go for 640nm as its the brightest with good colour and beam specs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by gottaluvlasers View Post
    Another one bites the dust.

    Laserworld, how in gods name are these schmucks STILL in business???


    Sorry for your troubles, but it seems you are suffering the same fate that 90% of the rest of laserworlds customers suffer from. its called the, "I bought shitty equipment" syndrome and one of its most immediate symptoms is called, "its ALWAYS the customers fault."


    how long have you owned these units? If i were you, i would just return them. return them to the seller. period. Wash your hands of these laserworld units as soon as possible. if its under a year, but more than 30 days or so, you may be shit outta luck. Laserworld is not going to fix your units under warranty. They will NO MATTER WHAT blame you or the weather or the gods or anything they possibly can, before fixing their piece of crap systems.

    yes, you can replace the old failed green with a new one. not a problem. DO NOT buy a laser off of ebay unless its from a reputable seller. Im not sure where your from, but myself (ct. lasers), (dave on this forum) or Stanwax (on this forum) or Pelosh on this forum are all reputable laser companies. Let us know where you are from and someone will help you out.

    Analog and ttl is how the laser is modulated. basically, TTL= laser is either OFF or it is ON full power. No in between. does your laser have the capability of being "faded?" if it can be faded, than it is analog.

    Analog means the laser can start at ZERO (0 volts input) and gradually brighten to full output (5 Volts input) in relation to its input modulation signal.

    dont apologize for asking questions here. we're easy to deal with!

    Hello Marc

    I bought this laser in February 2010 , so its still in warranty. I contacted laserworld on e-mail , but they told me that it is probably my falut without even looking into laser. So they probably do not care about "cheaper lasers". And they also told me that possible fix should cost around 150€. I am thinking about returing laser to them , but I am scary of it, because they wont do probably anything if I dont pay them what they want. And I will only lose money on shipping and returning fees.

    I am from Slovakia , so probably noone could help in real, but If you can help me here i will be really glad.

    And also I think that my diode has TTL modulation because there is no way I can fade laser with dmx. So should I look for TTL diode or will there work also analog one? Does exist diode that can switch between TTL and analog modulation.

    I was thinking of making or remaking some Rgb projector in future and also use diode that I will buy now, so i would prefer diode with analog modulation. However it is distant future.

    What should be output of diode if i will go for red one or blue 445nm one , to dont make it brighter than my second green laser.

    Quote Originally Posted by catalanjo View Post
    Not that hard, you bumped into one (Marc) on your first post!

    Luckily for you the laser bit of the thing you bought, isn't the expensive bit (that's the BOX),
    which is really quite reasonable.

    My advice is to buy an Olike 445nm kit module + driver from (also TTL) from fleabay stick it in the box instead of the green and wear sun glasses to watch it project onto a wall the first time.

    Analogue would be better in the long run, but your DMX into the LW projector would probably not know how to tell it what to do.

    You have a steep learning curve ahead if you want to go RGB, and maybe better to fix the problem first, (with interesting results), then learn a lot more before buying more stuff.

    It is difficult to DJ and fiddle with laser stuff at the same time.

    What you bought was CHEAP, what you got was CHEAP, AND didn't require thinking about.

    With what I suggest above, you need to think a little bit (safety stuff), do a little bit, (take out green put blue in) and you won't have to babysit the results at all. (except for safety).

    The "input adjustor" (bent bit of aluminium) is quite easy to bend or shim to get the height right, the beam will be big enough to spill over both sides of the scanner mirror (easy allignment).

    You will also find it dead easy to sell on.

    With all the losses in the original setup, you will still be getting three times the power you had before , and the colour will be right in "fashion".

    Yes thats really good idea. I was not thinking about it , but 445nm diodes are really bright ,but I dont know since their power output is litle bit higher, I can spend up to 700€ for new diode for now, so I can go for better blue diodes ,so I am on 50% sure that I will go for 445nm with TTL modulation or Yeah I will try to link in same way as green is linked there and if something will go wrong i will write here on forum. Also because I am Dj and I dont have much time on lights I decided to go for dmx, since its much faster and you can make ur own scenes that you play just by pressing only one button ,so it dont take that much time like using idla or midi keyboard etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by flecom View Post
    where are you located djborec?
    I am located in Slovakia.

    Quote Originally Posted by djmatt View Post
    Dont feel bad.. I had a RS 500 RGB laserworld, that died on me...Thats when I build my own!!
    And if your looking for awesome lasers, Laserwave is the way to go! Gotaluvlasers is your man!! I bought all the lasers in mine from him and they rock!!!!

    DJ Matt
    Oh If I would know how big scam is Laserworld I wouldnt go for it. I thought they make better lasers than poor chinese lasers at ebay , because its from germany so they should be high quality. Next time i will go and buy something and i will do biger reasearch of comapny producing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by White-Light View Post
    Are they galvos or steppers? I would have thought stepper motors more likely at that speed and price point.

    Steppers are poor quality and more prone to failure so best replaced if using the lasers commercially. If they are galvos they should be fine.

    The cases should be OK provided your new lasers will fit.

    Kvant could sell you some new lasers to put inside but in fairness if you're looking to keep costs down, Kvant are a little more expensive than others but top quality. You're getting what you pay for.

    Laserwave lasers are excellent quality as well and a bit cheaper if you're on a tight budget. As Marc said, Marc himself, Dave, Stanwax (Rob) are all Laserwave dealers. Bridge who works for Laserwave regularly visits the forum as does Pelosh from Kvant, so you have direct contact to the suppliers / manufacturers on here and both Laserwave and Kvant give excellent back up.

    I would think Stanwax (Rob) in the UK is probably nearest to you for Laserwave and being EU based you won't have import tax. (Not trying to recommend Rob over anyone else here, just trying to avoid import tax for the original poster as Slovakia's in the EU). You already know where Kvant is.

    Is there particular reason you want red - its less visible than green by a long way for any given power. Anyway, if you want red go for 640nm as its the brightest with good colour and beam specs.
    I just thought I can put there like 500mw red , so it will be visible same as 100mw green, but catalanjo had a good idea about putting 445nm into it. So I will go probably for 445nm diodes. But I am not sure because they have high powered output. And from what I have seen : "Evolution Scan lasers have open loops galvos with a scanspeed of up to 10kpps" , and I think that the patterns and effects created by this galvos looks really great for me

    Should I buy this one: ? or any other ideas where are these diodes for sale or what type of diode put in it ?
    Last edited by djborec; 09-03-2010 at 06:49.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    As you're from Slovakia I'm going to presume you're audience scanning so just be aware of the safety implications of upping diode power.

    445 Blue is probably the least visible of all of the 3 major colours.

    Thus in terms of brightness, power for power, Green > red 640 > 445 Blue.

    To give you a better idea, if I run the wavelengths through Chroma, to look at brightness, using 500mw:

    1. Green 500mw = 302 lumens

    2. Red 640 500mw = 59 lumens

    3. Blue 445 500mw = 14 lumens

    Ultimately the colour choice is yours as to what best fits your application but choice does have brightness implications.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by White-Light View Post
    As you're from Slovakia I'm going to presume you're audience scanning so just be aware of the safety implications of upping diode power.

    445 Blue is probably the least visible of all of the 3 major colours.

    Thus in terms of brightness, power for power, Green > red 640 > 445 Blue.

    To give you a better idea, if I run the wavelengths through Chroma, to look at brightness, using 500mw:

    1. Green 500mw = 302 lumens

    2. Red 640 500mw = 59 lumens

    3. Blue 445 500mw = 14 lumens

    Ultimately the colour choice is yours as to what best fits your application but choice does have brightness implications.
    Yeah I see it from price of diodes , cause you can get 1w blue 445 for 140USD+- ,
    Is 1w 445 stronget than 100mw 532nm green ? And If I will go for blue 445 is there any way I can protect people from being hurt? Like some filter which will be put in front of galvo system and when galvo will scan patterns down on audience this filter will be putting down output of diode and when it will be scan up , it wont. And what about 473nm blue . Is it stronger than 532nm green. Because at 100mw it costs much more than 100mw green. And thanks for your reply

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