In Cheers 'N' Jeers at CPF, a person is not allowed to post negative opinions or negative experiences with a given product - to which, I have to ask - what the F***??
Check it out...CandlePowerForums > Buy/Sell/Trade > Cheers'N'Jeers
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Total of four posts...the last two posts indicating that the topic is LOCKED DOWN.
'Scuse...but that's yet another reason I rarely (if ever?) do posts there.
I mean: yeah, I know, I don't post as much *here* as I should...
If there's negative comments or opinions in regards to a given company, and yeah, even mine...if there were any comments, negative or positive, I'd want to read both, that is certain....
I'd expect, in an open forum, with the title, "Cheers N Jeers", that if a jeer is what a given person wants to post, the given person should ought to post it, without politricks and rules and cluebats flying around...
Furthermore: instead of allowing for the person to either reiterate or learn from his experience with a given situation or to even sychophantically apologize for his indiscretion in stating (believing in the "freedom of speech" credo) his opinion - he's booted for three days. For a single post.
Sorry, kids -- but, again: that's f*cked!
Okay, myshutupnow.