dele by the OP......................
dele by the OP......................
Last edited by hakzaw1; 09-16-2010 at 10:24. Reason: spellin'
IIRC they take the s ky or maybe the CNI and add o-rings for weather proofing and upgrade the focus tube to brass. And at least for this GB they are cheaper. afaik ...see the discussion over at LPF for more details.
DrL are the flex v5s back in stock?....thnx again for fixing my laser at SELEM, btw!!!
bump-- a new thread has been started for a great deal from Jetlasers. thnx for lookin' ---<(*v*)>... Len
They look similar but not the same. The comparison was made exhaustively in the responses to the review written by hakzaw1: Review and test of Jetlaser 150 mW 532nm laser. More pics about this PL-C model at PL-C Jetlasers Gallary.
As they have offered some freebies for review and bet guys here and there will know jetlasers is different and top notch manufacturer in a lot of ways. I've contacted them for a titanium laser pointer for review. It's said that laser hobbyists in China know cni and scitower much better than any other company while the cni obviously has done a great job in advertising themselves at abroad.