Until I took it apart...
Hopefully a quick and easy fix awaits me, here's the story..
Quite a few years back I bought a 1w 532, (well it was sold as 1w but it actually did about 850, so I knocked the price down)
This laser and power supply has always run perfectly and when measured was doing around about 800+mw.
It came with a "Lab style" power supply and because I wanted to rebuild it all into a smaller package I decided to rip it all apart and pack it in a case.
The months (years) passed and recently I found the time to get it all working again, the problem is.. it doesn't well not to the output power I was expecting.
When taking the power supply apart I labeled things well, so I knew what went where and so forth, it's all back together as it should apart from the driver is currently without a fan behind it (it had one in the lab case).. seems to get *very* hot.
Anyway, here is what happens...
Turn the thing on, power climbs to 600mw, and at that point.. it slows and then drops back from there..
If I let it cool.. it does the same thing over and over.. 0-600mw.
600mw "feels" like a ceiling judging by the readings on the meter..
Tec issue ??
Does the driver need to be fan cooled ?? this cant be my issue can it ?
Can I test continuity of the two tec circuits by just putting a multi meter across the + and - ? or should I not do this ?
The driver itself is TTL which sucks.. should I perhaps look at a flexmod or similar?
So many questions.
I'll provide pics and perhaps youtube.. but not now.. I'm sad and tired.. work sucked today and now my beautiful Laser is sick.
Any help / advice / condolences welcome.