Anyone have any fresh newer beam shows programmed to newer songs. any rock shows and or shows with vocals?
looking for ASAP as of Sept 23rd 2010.
please email me.
Thank you
Anyone have any fresh newer beam shows programmed to newer songs. any rock shows and or shows with vocals?
looking for ASAP as of Sept 23rd 2010.
please email me.
Thank you
Have you seen my shows? I have 6 ranging from 60's... "pop" to Coldplay to DJ Icey; all beam shows. 5 of them are on the FTP; the 6th, which I think won me the "Best Lasershow at SELEM". Isn't out there much yet.
What do you have going on ASAP?
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
Hey ATW,
Are you planning on upping your shows to the Pangolinshows site?
I have uploaded one but it is "waiting to be activated by an admin"...I thinkn they go through the show to make sure it is "safe" before posting it up for download. "Safe" for scanners I think.
Kyle, the 6th show is off the Kill Bill soundtrack. Let me know if you like the one I sent in email.
Yes mate, I can see your show waiting to be activated but it may be a little while as Bill is at LaserFreak and I don't think he's assigned anyone else to check out the shows prior to activating them.
I'm hoping that lots of folks wil be uploading their own homemade shows cus there must be oodles out there.........![]()
I was a bit worried about that; I did not realize what they check for until I read automated reply fully. I think this is cool because I have been hoping to get Bill to scope my shows out from a programming angle for a while, just to make sure I am forming good show production habits.
I agree; there HAS to be a lot of shows out there. I can't be the only one getting board with the included shows.
Hi Rupert, and welcome to Photonlexicon
Great to have you here and we appreciate you taking the time to post. Please stick around if you can.
P.S. Love your shows![]()
Quote: "There is a theory which states that if ever, for any reason, anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.”... Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001
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Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
Riya MultiBus
Pangolin LD2000 Pro