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Thread: Newbie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Stafford, Virginia

    Default Newbie

    Hi all,

    I'm a newbie who's just getting started in this hobby. I wanted to get everyone's input or thoughts on the Laserworld projectors, specifically the PL and PRO series line. I've seen a few posts dissing them. Is that the general view here? Are these worth the money? Are they legal to use in public forums?

    Also, I understand the equipment has to be licensed (variances), but I thought I read somewhere that the users/owners need to be as well before they can buy the equipment. Can someone clarify that as well?

    Thanks for any help...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Thumbs up FDCDHR

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinpoint View Post
    Hi all,

    I'm a newbie who's just getting started in this hobby. I wanted to get everyone's input or thoughts on the Laserworld projectors, specifically the PL and PRO series line. I've seen a few posts dissing them. Is that the general view here? Are these worth the money? Are they legal to use in public forums?

    Also, I understand the equipment has to be licensed (variances), but I thought I read somewhere that the users/owners need to be as well before they can buy the equipment. Can someone clarify that as well?

    Thanks for any help...

    I have heard some of those negative post as well here on PL. I personaly don't know.
    If you buy your projector here in the U.S. from LIC dealer it will be varianced and come with one, AS federal variance is required to be on all laser projectors sold here and the only fededral variance you will need to add to it is a show variance then you will need to check local state laws on state variances needed as well, not all state have this, mine dose, TEXAS, NewYork dose as well and my state AZ requires me to be a L.S.O. (laser safety officer) in addition to State and federal variances. GOOGLE states name and RRA. Example: Arizon radiation regultory agentcy (ARRA) to find out more on this.
    you can buy a L-projector RGV/RGP 500mw which is like a RGB from overseas from China and they are supposed to be varianced to sell in the U.S. for under $600 or less.The one I bought from china was not varianced but can be moded to be varianced.
    for variance infomation look up on web FDACDHR Non ionizing radiaton emitting divices.
    hope this helps a little.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by beamann View Post
    I have heard some of those negative post as well here on PL. I personaly don't know.
    If you buy your projector here in the U.S. from LIC dealer it will be varianced and come with one, AS federal variance is required to be on all laser projectors sold here and the only fededral variance you will need to add to it is a show variance then you will need to check local state laws on state variances needed as well, not all state have this, mine dose, TEXAS, NewYork dose as well and my state AZ requires me to be a L.S.O. (laser safety officer) in addition to State and federal variances. GOOGLE states name and RRA. Example: Arizon radiation regultory agentcy (ARRA) to find out more on this.
    you can buy a L-projector RGV/RGP 500mw which is like a RGB from overseas from China and they are supposed to be varianced to sell in the U.S. for under $600 or less.The one I bought from china was not varianced but can be moded to be varianced.
    for variance infomation look up on web FDACDHR Non ionizing radiaton emitting divices.
    hope this helps a little.
    actually beamann they sell unvarianced lasers quite readily shipped from within the us to the us!

    ive received shipment of a couple i won on ebay out of curiosity, and to be honest it was a little scary!

    i got a class 4 laser, with zero FDA compliance in sight, for ~150$

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DjHeadie View Post
    actually beamann they sell unvarianced lasers quite readily shipped from within the us to the us!

    ive received shipment of a couple i won on ebay out of curiosity, and to be honest it was a little scary!

    i got a class 4 laser, with zero FDA compliance in sight, for ~150$
    @DJHeadie, I don't dought that! The law reads that any thing @ 500mw or above has to be varianced and must be varianced by the MFG to be sold here in the U.S.. Your not supossed to even project on your own wall at home with out one, It's redicuelass I know, but that is what it reads. You can ask Marc C.T.lasers (gotoluvlazers) or Adam (buffo), Bill W. @ pangolin or any member on the Pl that has had LSO training (this includes me) to varify this. We who have projectors and or hi powered hand helds use them regardless of the law requirements we are just safe and cautious about it, I do know that you can buy laser products out here in the U.S. that don't meet the law requirements all day long, But get cought doing a laser emittion, you can face confescation or your equipment and $1000.00 fine for each violation incured.
    Even if you build your own projector you are required to have a MFG variance and to do a laser projection you are required to have a seperate variance for that as well and that is just to meet the federal law, State law is a hole nother matter, If your state has laws for lasers, and laser shows. The chances for you to get cought are low at this time in our history, unless you stand out, like eye injury to some one as a result of your laser unit or if they (FDACDHR) happen to come to check up on you, then no worries. I was just answering NEWBIE'S questions about variances. My answer was not to say that you can't abtain a non varianced projector or other laser products that don't meet the laws requirments because you certanly can get them here in the U.S.!

  5. #5
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    Jun 2010


    sorry, i always kick myself for not being clearer on this site.

    i am fully aware and strive to comply with all applicable standards here in the us, whether it comes to my builds, or my shows. i was simply trying to state that the laserworld projectors shipping out of chicago only meet european standards, and do not have any sort of us compliant indication, nor features on board. the keys come out of the keylock, and the only models ive seen with interlocks or remote E-stop were modified by lumalaser before sale for Much more money here in the us.

    i find their products to be crap and slightly dangerous, as anyone with 10k can buy a 8W projector and until someone fills them in, will run it without any knowledge of out nations laws

    ive had to be that guy alot this year, as lots of clubs in town seem to think its fine to blast people in the face with 50mW+... i guess since the laser is cheaper, and they dont know the difference, it appeals, but man, it puts so much at stake!

    sorry again for any clarity issues earlier, your post goes completely unchallenged, i simply wanted to point out that laserworld will sell to anyone, and has no problem breaking our laws.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Talking WELL Said!

    Quote Originally Posted by DjHeadie View Post
    sorry, i always kick myself for not being clearer on this site.

    i am fully aware and strive to comply with all applicable standards here in the us, whether it comes to my builds, or my shows. i was simply trying to state that the laserworld projectors shipping out of chicago only meet european standards, and do not have any sort of us compliant indication, nor features on board. the keys come out of the keylock, and the only models ive seen with interlocks or remote E-stop were modified by lumalaser before sale for Much more money here in the us.

    i find their products to be crap and slightly dangerous, as anyone with 10k can buy a 8W projector and until someone fills them in, will run it without any knowledge of out nations laws

    ive had to be that guy alot this year, as lots of clubs in town seem to think its fine to blast people in the face with 50mW+... i guess since the laser is cheaper, and they dont know the difference, it appeals, but man, it puts so much at stake!

    sorry again for any clarity issues earlier, your post goes completely unchallenged, i simply wanted to point out that laserworld will sell to anyone, and has no problem breaking our laws.
    @DJHeadie, Well said, Imy self had to do the outlaw thing as well, No more! I have never bought any Laser World products and from what I have heard, I won't be!
    No harm done, keep them comming.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by beamann View Post
    The law reads that any thing @ 500mw or above has to be varianced and must be varianced by the MFG to be sold here in the U.S.
    Sorry for the late reply, but I just wanted to clear this up for anyone reading this thread in the future. The law says anything over 5 mw has to be varianced (or more properly - "certified"). Not 500 mw, 5 mw. That means anything that exceeds the Class 3A limit needs to be certified, and you also need a laser light show variance to perform a public show with it. (So you need both: a certified projector by a laser manufacturer who holds a manufacturing variance, and the laser light show variance too.) I'm sure Emory just miss-typed the power limit, but it's a number that bears repeating for everyone else.
    Your not supposed to even project on your own wall at home with out one,
    This is not strictly true. So long as you build the projector yourself, you don't need a manufacturing variance and you don't need to file a laser product report to certify that it's compliant with 21 CFR 1040. It's only when you try to enter that unit into commerce (either by selling/renting it to someone else, or trying to use it in a commercial laser show) that the projector needs to be certified by a manufacturer that has a manufacturing variance. (And in the case of using it in a commercial show, you'd also need the laser light show variance.)

    The problem is when you want to buy (or worse, import) a projector for use in your own home. We already know that so long as it's used in your home, you don't need a laser light show variance. (No commerce involved, thus the CDRH does not have jurisdiction.) However, in order to *buy* a projector, you must first have a laser light show variance. That's where they get you.

    So while it's perfectly OK for you to build one without any paperwork, if you try to buy one off the shelf, you need to jump through the CDRH's hoops.

    Hope that clears things up. If not, there are plenty of threads here on PL discussing the variance process in greater detail...


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