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Hi all,
I'm a newbie who's just getting started in this hobby. I wanted to get everyone's input or thoughts on the Laserworld projectors, specifically the PL and PRO series line. I've seen a few posts dissing them. Is that the general view here? Are these worth the money? Are they legal to use in public forums?
Also, I understand the equipment has to be licensed (variances), but I thought I read somewhere that the users/owners need to be as well before they can buy the equipment. Can someone clarify that as well?
Thanks for any help...
I have heard some of those negative post as well here on PL. I personaly don't know.
If you buy your projector here in the U.S. from LIC dealer it will be varianced and come with one, AS federal variance is required to be on all laser projectors sold here and the only fededral variance you will need to add to it is a show variance then you will need to check local state laws on state variances needed as well, not all state have this, mine dose, TEXAS, NewYork dose as well and my state AZ requires me to be a L.S.O. (laser safety officer) in addition to State and federal variances. GOOGLE states name and RRA. Example: Arizon radiation regultory agentcy (ARRA) to find out more on this.
you can buy a L-projector RGV/RGP 500mw which is like a RGB from overseas from China and they are supposed to be varianced to sell in the U.S. for under $600 or less.The one I bought from china was not varianced but can be moded to be varianced.
for variance infomation look up on web FDACDHR Non ionizing radiaton emitting divices.
hope this helps a little.