My friend Rick has put out a few good ones. Some are free once you join his laser news mailing list, and his main one costs something like $20, but it's very well put together.
Anyway, take a peek at his site, and decide for yourself:
@AudioVisualizers, I was posting this not for my collection of pdf's, but for new commers to PL to have some reff to builds possable and to help them in thair search for information. For Example "LASERCHIK" PM me and asked if I had any Info I could post on a LUMNIA projector so to see all in valved in it's operation and to get a better under standing for a self build of one. I was told by laserchik that what I posted was "Perfect" I just thought that this mite be helpfull to other new members as well!
By the way I like "Laserlover Ricks website and get his weekly news letter as well.