Hello! john here. i was wondering how you record a show with pangolins quickshow. Record meaning show it without the laser, in the little box in the right hand corner. So i can post it to facebook. Im sorry if this is not clear. Thank you!
Hello! john here. i was wondering how you record a show with pangolins quickshow. Record meaning show it without the laser, in the little box in the right hand corner. So i can post it to facebook. Im sorry if this is not clear. Thank you!
Google Cam Studio its desktop capture software and free.
When running it you need to set the "Region" to fixed region:
- you can do this by selecting that in the drop down menu, clicking "Select" (see image below), then by dragging a box over the area you want to record ie the preview window. Then click OK.
When you press record in the main blue window, a box of the size you set will appear once more, you drag it over the preview window and when you click to deposit it, the recording will start.
Last edited by White-Light; 09-27-2010 at 01:50.