Hello people,
I have recently made a small correction amplifier board for powering a pair of galvos, and three laser heads (also Intensity setting implemented),
It uses TL082 Op-amps , Small SMD single turn trimmers and it has a D-sub 25 connector place.
However, you should have external +/- 12V and -5V Supply (along with GND ofcourse), as I have not implemented any DC-DC converter for the sake of simplicity.
Computer PSUs with 20pin MBO connectors have all needed rails (that's what I'll use).
It has + and - output for galvo signals (one inverted, other noninverted, greater potential achieved. Why is this not implemented in Galvo's amplifier boards already, I am not sure.)
Here are some picz of mine.
Please excuse the mess I made, I wanted to spray it with acrylic laquer to protect it, only to find out that the spray can I was holding was not clear laquer (after pressing the button, that is).
So I had to resort to coat all copper into solder to prevent corrosion.
RAR file containing BRD, SCH and PDF file is available to download here.
It was made with Eagle 5.10.0 .
I also have versions without dual output for galvos, and without text except my name up there.
You are free to use , modify, remodify, do whatever you want with the boards and schematics. I only ask that my name is up there. If it's crucial for space saving boards, you can omit it. Does not matter to me.
If needed , I can remake the board to use different potenciometers (as the seller of these I used no longer sells them ), use Through hole components, or whatever else is needed. Just shoot me a PM and I'll rework it for you if you are not able to or don't have Eagle software.
Thanks for reading, everybody!