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Thread: IREEDZ, First Projector Build, Questions Galore

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Somerset, KY

    Default IREEDZ, First Projector Build, Questions Galore

    Alright, Where to begin? I have been planning and starting my first projector build and have lots of questions. Everything is still in the planning stages, so I have lots of room to make changes and want to avoid mistakes.

    The first question I have pertains to power supplies. Is it best to keep some power supplies devoted to only one job or can I utilize the same power supply for multiple things? Does anyone have experience with replacing the scanner power supply on dt-40 wides for something that puts out more amperage?

    I'm going to be running a manual shutter that is switched from the Remote E-Stop. Should I have a relay to switch the power in the projector? If so, what do you recomend and do you have a link for a supplier? I'm using the same actuators that are in flecom's projector here. They are out of the EKG's.

    Also, I'm looking at buffo's schematic for the interlock and it calls for a 330 Ohm resistor, what resistor specifically should this be? I'm not sure how much power is flowing through that interlock circuit. I am thinking I will be using cat 6 cable to connect the E-Stop to the projector. Also what is the consensus on voltage for the interlock circuit if any? I know that I will have plenty of 24 volt power that I'm looking to use to power a quad 445 and my stanwax ILDA interface board.

    I have very limited experience with all the electrical circuitry so I will need all your answers to be as specific as possible. Thanks in advance for all your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida

    Red face

    Damn, you dun asked questions I can't answer... Wait... I have not exchanged the pwoer supply on my DT40s... I do run all three of my lasers from a single 5volt 15amp psu.

    Good luck though, and post many pictures.
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Somerset, KY



    I will keep you up on what I do. I will post some pics when I actually have something to show. As we all know, a post is worthless without pictures.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    That,s the way to go. 1 heavy powersupply. I use traco,s top 100-105. because they are small and top quality. Go for DT-40 widemoves from Rob stanwax or Marc from CT.
    Rob has also a board with al the safetyfeatures and easy wiring your projector. I think there is also a connection for the shutter. If your interested in a case with the Traco let me know. I have a spare case with the traco for sale. I have also developed my own blue
    1watt 445nm tec cooled module complete with driver. The case comes with very good quality dichro,s with losses lower then 3%. What,s missing in this projector is the scanset and the modules. If your interested in the case with dichro,s, powersupply, fans etc. shoot me a PM
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails P1080533.JPG  



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Somerset, KY



    Thanks for your reply. I have already ordered and am waiting to receive my DT-40 Wides from Marc. I also have ordered the ILDA Interface boards from Rob and am waiting to receive them as well. I guess I'm really just trying to understand and find the best method of doing things.

    So you are running those Viasho modules on a 5V supply and using another driver for them, or are you using the one from Viasho?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    i use the driver from viasho. Since you have already the DT-40 wide moves and dealing with Marc is suggested to talk to marc to get a case from him. Rob can help you with wiring but also maybe to a good case.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Somerset, KY


    Thank You, edison

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Seattle, Wa


    Hey Edison,

    Does the TOP100 have a -24v output?

    Looking at the specs on the different Traco, I don't see any with -24v output. How do you achieve this for the scanners?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Hello blowfly

    If you have two traco,s you have to connect the negative lead from the first with the positive from the second. That,s you common wire. The negative of the second Traco is your -24v and the positive of the first Traco is your +24v. Hope that makes it clear.

    By the way i still have the two bars for your case and a few brass plugs for your case to replace the damaged one from your case. If you can wait until i made some money from the new single module i can ship everything toghether. Synce agreed on paying for the shipment and i will pay for the damage parts.Partly its my fault since i should have packet it better but on the otherhand the postguys had to be more careful. Personally i think they trow with the packages.

    I will pay for the damage items if you are willing to pay for the shipment.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Pangolin has a lot of good references hosted on their web site.

    Here is a link to their VERY good projector connections article:

    There is also an ILDA connection chart on the FTP site.

    Concerning the interlock and what it actually enables / disables -

    There's been bit of discussion concerning that in recent months, and with the influx of projectors using only solid-state compact lasers, it's starting to sound like the only thing that may need to be covered with the interlock / remote kill switch is the actual beam shutter - which would definitely simplify wiring requirements!

    You might want to chat with Marc, DSLI-Jon, and some of the other pros before getting too involved in complicated wiring schemes...
    Last edited by Stuka; 10-09-2010 at 14:08.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

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