I bought a Meade DS-114 back in 2002; got it at Waly world for about $300. The boss' Mom worked there and got it for me. I wasn't impressed; couldn't get the StaryNight bundled software to work right with the autostar cause it needed a cable. Spent a "cold" November trying to get it to work right and should have gotten West Nile because of all the mosquito bites I suffered. I finally asked her Mom to take it back and return it. She did...
6 months or so later I learned she actually kept it. I didn't care because I got a brand new GeForce 3 video card.I have always thought of borrowing the scope if any big events came up and never got around to it. 2 weeks ago I had the boss ask her Mom because of Jupiter's "closness" and the Hartly comet that is getting fairly close this month. She said a "wire" needed fixed and I went and got it. Turns out the 12v battery pack (10xAA) was cracked and the wire broke. I took the connector off and put it on the 12V out on my blue/green laser power supply and it powered right up. Being I am much more experienced in things it took me about a week to get my old windows 98 laptop, celeron 433 w/128MB RAM...
up and running and a cable made that goes from RS232 to RJ9 to control this beast through the StaryNight astronomy program.
I did have to search every damn CD I have in my burnt data disc STACKs... took me two hours and it was the last damn one...I must have had 50 that didn't have lables.
My next goal, even thos I ain't supposed to spend $ on this, is to get a camera mount for the eyepiece.
Just curious if anyone is into this other money pit of a hobby.